Countermeasures Podcast


Doug Smith
Countermeasures are tactics deployed to keep on mission in the face of adversity. Modern living offers multiple avenues for distraction to keep you from living your best. This podcast shares the countermeasures you need to keep you on your path. The interviews are with people with practical knowledge and experience who share their value laden stories and insights. 
Countermeasures EP01 - Bodyguards and Assassins with Tony Newman
Tony grew up an active child of ten siblings, became a successful entrepreneur and ended up opening a bodyguard training facility in the Philipines. From here he was arrested by corrupt government officials on false charges of plotting to assassinate the president and then lived in Manila for a year with a contract on his life. Upon his return Tony opened his fitness facility and developed a passion for nutrition. This conversation draws out learnings from Tony's experiences that can be applied to our own lives.
Aug 21, 2019
1 hr 2 min