Corduroy Cast Podcast
Corduroy Cast
Carson Swafford
Episode 6, with 2024-25 Arkansas Eastern District Vice President, Jonah Savell - episode of Corduroy Cast podcast

Episode 6, with 2024-25 Arkansas Eastern District Vice President, Jonah Savell

52 minutes Posted Jul 26, 2024 at 1:45 pm.
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For Episode 6, I am very excited to have your 2024-25 Arkansas Eastern District Vice President, Jonah Savell. Jonah is from Salem, Arkansas and attended Salem High School. He played football there and was obviously in FFA. He was a state finalist for State STAR in Agribusiness and Discussion Meet. He was also the first state officer from the Salem FFA Chapter in 30 years! We talked about the differences in Arkansas and Oklahoma FFA and managing Football and FFA. It was a great experience and loved talking to him. Thanks Jonah!