Consultancy Podcast Podcast
Consultancy Podcast
Johann Lilly
Consultancy Podcast
Johann Lilly
You don't need to work at a firm to hire your own consultant. No matter what you're trying to learn or who you're trying to become, you can hire someone for that purpose. This podcast comprises what I'm learning from the consultants I hire and from the leaders I meet with around the world—as well as from the people in my community. This began with a simple premise: what you don't do today, you won't do tomorrow. Let's talk about it. Consultancy (noun): the state of being a consultant; the position of a consultant; a person or firm that provides consulting advice or services. About me: I'm a software engineer working in #Fintech as a #blockchain developer. I previously worked in the health diagnostics and cancer research field. I'm a Certified Blockchain Expert and spend my free time swimming or using to hire private foreign language teachers. #consult #consultant #consultants #consulting #consultation #consultancy
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6 years ago
September 16, 2018
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