Conscious Corner Podcast

Conscious Corner

Leah Allison
Welcome to "Conscious Corner” brought to you by Conscious Coaching. Through lighthearted and relatable discussions, Leah along with her team and special guests, speak about things that happen in life, work and love. We cover it all. “Conscious Corner” aims to entertain listeners with amusing banter and expert knowledge from professionals so you never feel alone in life’s ups and downs.
Summer Anxiety and Your Kids - How You Can Help
Summer is a time for fun and activities and kids can't wait to get out of school but it also brings out the unknown which for many kids provides a lot of anxiety. Schedules are off, activities are added and what is fun can be overwhelming too. This week I talk about what are some things that cause anxiety in kids during the summer and what you can help to ease that transition to have a happy balanced summer holiday. Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. [email protected] Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. [email protected] Audio Production by: East Coast Studio Music by: The Music Assembly
Jun 23, 2019
21 min
Celebrating Dads and All That They Teach Us
Happy Father's to all men out there who are fathers in some way and give, love, mentor and nurture the people in your life. When we are young we try so hard to not be like our parents only to find out how much we are actually alike. Today I celebrate dads and the things they have taught us by sharing stories of what my dad taught me and the biggest ways he impacted my life which shaped me to who I am today. Happy Father's Day to you dad, to my husband and to all dads out there. Celebrate you, you deserve it! Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. [email protected] Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. [email protected] Audio Production by: East Coast Studio Music by: The Music Assembly
Jun 16, 2019
24 min
Has the Next Generation Lost Common Sense?
Every generation thinks the next generation is crazy, lazy and not as smart or as good as the one before them. But has this new generation, the Gen Z's really made it so that they are lost? Are they truly a generation that can't do or think much on their own. In this week's podcast I talk about common behaviours among the generations and what we can do to help save the next generation. Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. [email protected] Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. [email protected] Audio Production by: East Coast Studio Music by: The Music Assembly
Jun 9, 2019
23 min
Building Relationships by Staying Connected To Each Other (Not Technology)
Technology and social media is part of everyone's life and has connected the world and each other in ways that only seemed futuristic not too long ago. It has also disconnected our human connection to each other giving rise to anxiety, depression and loneliness. Humans need human connections to feel alive and loved and to have relationships. This week I talk about how we can build our relationships and bring back the human connection to each other. Leah's Likes: Brain: online course - continue to expand your knowledge about anything. Knowledge is exercise for the brain. Health: Disconnect from your devises and social media sometimes. Give your mind, body and soul some breathing room to just be. Indulgence: Mangos - my favourite fruit that brings me joy when it is fresh and ripe. Find your favourite fruit and enjoy the small moment of eating it, it feels great. Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. [email protected] Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. [email protected] Audio Production by: East Coast Studio Music by: The Music Assembly
Jun 2, 2019
35 min
Does Divorce Affect Your Child's Future Relationships?
Navigating our own relationships is work enough but having to think of our children and the relationships they will have adds more work. Our children are always watching and mirroring us and our behaviours so it is important to show them good healthy relationships as it will affect their own in the future. This week I talk about ways we can ensure our children have good healthy relationships of their own in the future. Leah's Likes: Brain: Board Games - many challenge the mind and are also good fun. Pull out the old games and have a little fun and sharpen that brain power as well. Games that challenge the mind: you-smarter-and-more-creative.html Health: Laughter - find times to have fun and have a good laugh. It releases wonderful endorphins and makes us so much happier. Indulgence: Coconut Cake - A wonderful treat especially when you are chilling with friends and having a good night. Recipe: Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. [email protected] Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. [email protected] Audio Production by: East Coast Studio Music by: The Music Assembly
May 26, 2019
21 min
Stepmother's Day - Celebrate Loud and Proud
Stepmother is often a role that is looked at as wicked or secondary but it is a role that is one of the hardest and is a woman who plays a significant role in their family's lives. It is one that needs to be appreciated, recognized and loved always so today we are celebrating it loud and proud and sharing tips on how stepmoms can feel confident to do the same. Happy Stepmother's day to all of the stepmom's out there. Leah's Likes: Brain Health: Sleep - it is incredibly important to get enough sleep. It makes you think clear, feel rejuvenated gives you the energy to take on the day. Get more sleep. Indulgence: Ice-cream. My favourite is Pralines and Cream. What is your favourite? Sometimes its great to sit with a little bit of ice cream and enjoy the flavour. That little extra makes you feel great. Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. [email protected] Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. [email protected] Audio Production by: East Coast Studio Music by: The Music Assembly
May 19, 2019
26 min
What Makes A Mom?
There are so many types of moms out there and so many people have been given the title of "mom" for what they do for someone else. Moms come in many forms so what makes someone call them mom. This week I talk about the different types of "moms" and what is the common thread with them all that make them a mom. Leah's Likes: Brain: Brain teaser games - it keeps the mind sharp and active for children and adults Buy the game: Health Like: Green Vegetables - add more to your diet, your body and mind will love you for it. All kinds, lettuce, spinach, kale, cucumber, green peppers, broccoli, green beans and many many more. Here is an article on 28 green vegetables that are good for your health. Article: Indulgence: Foam top mattress. Your body will thank you. It feels like it envelopes your body and you just sink and release all of your stresses. Try one. Buy the mattress: Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. [email protected] Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. [email protected] Audio Production by: East Coast Studio Music by: The Music Assembly An Amazon Associate Member.
May 12, 2019
33 min
Do Step-Parents Actually Want Support?
Are you a step-parent looking for support? It is often very difficult to find. Aside from the articles online or the private facebook groups there are few in-person support groups for step-parents. How is this? We often complain about the lack of support but are we as step-parents part of the problem? This week I talk about step-parent support and how to get the support you are looking for. Leah's Likes: Brain: Secrets of Happiness From the Oldest of the Old- article - Learning the secrets of happiness from our elder community who have the wisdom to show us how. Health Like: Group Sport Activity - it's great fun to be part of a team, even gather the family for a game of baseball, just do it as a group. Indulgence: lip gloss - giving your face an added sparkle makes you feel good or giving this gift to lift a spirit can make you feel good. Either way it's that little lift in your day that can pick your spirits up. Get a gloss that highlights your face and feel great all day. Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. [email protected] Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. [email protected] Audio Production by: East Coast Studio Music by: The Music Assembly
May 5, 2019
28 min
Keeping Your Body Healthy During Divorce and Stressful Times
Divorce and blending families is stressful. We often forget about our physical health during those time and boy does the weight go up and down and does our mind and life ever feel bodged down. It doesn't have to be that way. This week I speak with my special guest, Deanna Pizitz from Well & Worthy Life who is a Health Coach who talks about keeping healthy during stressful life moments and tips on what to do. Leah's Likes: Brain: Soft Music - find something that quiets your mind and relaxes you. One of my favourites are Enya. Check her out. Health Like: Plants - having plants in your home helps clean the air, provide more oxygen and just feels warm. Get a plant, your home will love it. Indulgence: Date night - have a date night with your partner or with a friend. Indulge in each other your relationship will thank you. Special Guest: Deanna Pizitz Well & Worthy Life [email protected] Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. [email protected] Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. [email protected] Audio Production by: East Coast Studio Music by: The Music Assembly
Apr 28, 2019
45 min
Should Children of Divorce Contribute to Expenses When They Turn 18?
At some point your children grow up and are adults before you know it. Finding that balance of treating them like adults and transitioning their responsibilities is a hard thing. Children of divorce sometimes find that transition harder than others because it is common that their parents gave them everything due to divorce guilt and they legal system. The contribution of money and when a child should be responsible for themsevle's becomes that much harder with children of divorce. This week I go over 5 tips that will make that transition easier for parents and teach their children how to contribute and be responsible young adults. Leah's Likes: Brain: Reading (actual books) - it builds your brain muscle Health Like: Sunshine - stand in the sun for 2 mins and enjoy the warmth of it on your face and body, it helps reduce stress among many other health benefits. Indulgence: manicure - bring out that little diva in you, show your hands proudly, it feels good. Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. [email protected] Audio Production by: East Coast Studio Music by: The Music Assembly
Apr 21, 2019
36 min
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