Commonplace Podcast Podcast

Commonplace Podcast

Diana Hindi
A podcast for poetry and books by someone passionate about words.
Ep 5: Anthems
This episode will have a theme, which is Anthems. I will be reading a couple of pieces carrying the same title.
Oct 17, 2019
8 min
Ep 4: Bluebird in the laughing heart
The infamous one and only, Charles bukowaki, controversial and impulsive, this man came to fame late but definitely left an impact on the scene.
Sep 11, 2019
5 min
Ep 3: Depression and other magic tricks
Sabrina Benaim is a Canadian writer, performance artist, and slam poet. Benaim was a winner of the 2014 Toronto Poetry Slam. She is best known for her poem "Explaining My Depression To My Mother." You can find many of her performances on YouTube.
Aug 6, 2019
8 min
Ep 2: possibilities
In this episode I'll be reading a poem called Possibilities by Wilsawa Szymborska
Jul 12, 2019
5 min
Ep 1: Calling a wolf a wolf
In this episode I'll be reading a poem called calling a wolf a wolf. I hope you like it, if you do feel free to let me know or suggesting it to any of your friends. Thanks in advance.
Jun 19, 2019
7 min
This is just and intro and a little explanation of how the podcast will run, hopefully you will like the idea and enjoy it.
Jun 19, 2019
3 min