Collecting What Remains - The Division Lore Podcast Podcast
Collecting What Remains - The Division Lore Podcast
Ninja Pancake
Collecting What Remains - The Division Lore Podcast
Ninja Pancake
Collecting What Remains is a show dedicated to Tom Clancy’s The Division and the lore behind it. With Deep-Fried Dave (from Rogue Agent Radio) and Tinkkz (from Bombshell Jackets) you will learn all things Division lore related; pre, present and future outbreak. Together we will dive into the timeline of events, places, characters and more. Collecting What Remains has a goal of trying to get you as immersed into the lore behind this title as possible by using everything in and out of game at our disposal. We hope you enjoy and if you have any questions or comments feel free to email us at [email protected] or tweet to @DivisionLore We hope you enjoy the journey we’ll be taking on Collecting What Remains – The Division Lore Podcast.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 194 days
Latest episode
8 years ago
February 15, 2017
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