Episode 161: CoinWeek Podcast #161: Let's Get Medieval: Mike Markowitz on Coins of the Middle Ages
29 minutes Posted Jul 7, 2021 at 11:41 am.
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The CoinWeek Podcast is brought to you by PCGS. Check out PCGS’ new grading specials and take advantage of an exclusive offer to get a PCGS limited-edition 35th Anniversary Silver PCGS Box. You can also save money on Canadian banknote submissions and coin variety attributions. Visit to learn more.This Week, CoinWeek Ancients writer Mike Markowitz gets medieval. I’d say Medieval on that As- but Ases are Roman coins and not medieval… so I can’t say that. Moving on… what is it about Medieval coins and medieval art that makes them so different than their ancient counterparts? And specifically, why are they so UGLY? Mike digs into the topic and offers some interesting insights that might have you looking at this specialty area in a new light.