Coaching, Neuroscience and Consciousness
Coaching, Neuroscience and Consciousness
BEabove Leadership
The Meta-Metaphors that Shape Our Lives
46 minutes Posted Apr 1, 2019 at 10:00 am.
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We speak in ways that show our fundamental view of areas of life. For example, do we use a lot of war or sports metaphors in business? We may see that part of life as a battle or a game with clear winners and losers. Do we use a great deal of gardening metaphors when speaking of our children? We may see them as needing nurturing and tending to grow. Recognizing (and then shifting if need be) our "meta-metaphor" can change our entire lives. Join Ann and Ursula for personal examples and ways to discpver the metaphor that is shaping you -- and how to change that if you wish. (With a bonus discussion of the neuroscience around metaphor itself!) We speak in ways that show our fundamental view of areas of life. For example, do we use a lot of war or sports metaphors in business? We may see that part of life as a battle or a game with clear winners and losers. Do we use a great deal of gardening metaphors when speaking of our children? We may see them as needing nurturing and tending to grow. Recognizing (and then shifting if need be) our "meta-metaphor" can change our entire lives. Join Ann and Ursula for personal examples and ways to discpver the metaphor that is shaping you -- and how to change that if you wish. (With a bonus discussion of the neuroscience around metaphor itself!)