Close the Door: Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast
Close the Door: Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast
Close the Door and Come Here
253: ADwD The Turncloak
44 minutes Posted Jan 22, 2019 at 8:05 pm.
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Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Theon struggles with his captivity, phantom "limb" syndrome, and a lot of TMI. What's Barbrey Dustin really up to? Not only does everyone peak in high school in Westeros, but they've had the same top 40 for the past hundred years. Meanwhile we have further evidence that GRRM just really has no understanding about female anatomy. Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Dance with Dragons - The Turncloak - ADwD: Theon V.
Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 253