ClickFunnels Radio
ClickFunnels Radio
Chris Cameron and Ben Harris
Adam Hempenstall, How To Close More Clients At Higher Prices While Eliminating Scope Creep
21 minutes Posted Oct 19, 2017 at 10:00 am.
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Adam Hempenstall reveals the secrets he uses to create Better Proposals that help close more clients at higher prices while eliminating scope creep. If you are in the consulting industry you need to listen to this. One of the biggest problems most consultants have is getting sucked in to the “scope creep” fiasco. You want to help and do the best for your client but this actually kills you and creates a terrible client relationship.

Show Notes

  • We’re all able to make better proposals so we can increase our incomes and field of influence
  • The proposals you make should be planned between you and your customer
  • Adam lets us in on how increasing your conversions is as simple as decreasing your output time
  • Have you ever thought of how much free work costs you?
  • Our price points and confidence in our product have a direct relationship
  • Ask for the money you deserve


“If you’re going to send a proposal, what decision are you asking them to make? You’re asking them to create the whole thing in their head and then guessing how you would work, and then they just magically tell you. And sometimes that will work.”

“…you’re actually just documenting an action plan. That’s really all a proposal should be, you’re just documenting an action plan that you both came up with together.”

“How you get payed more is really just confidence. It’s having confidence in yourself to charge at a higher amount.”
