ClickFunnels Radio
ClickFunnels Radio
Chris Cameron and Ben Harris
Carissa Hill, How a “48 Hour” Facebook Funnel Made Over 500K
27 minutes Posted Aug 15, 2017 at 10:00 am.
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Show notes

Carissa Hill uses Facebook to build online and OFF line businesses. She reveals how in 48 hours in a Facebook Group of less than 10,000 people sold over $500,000 and what you should be doing in your Facebook groups. Her “Just trying to help” mantra has positioned her as the go to person for building Facebook groups of rabid fans who want to buy your products and services.

Show Notes

  • How she gets her clients to share participate in her marketing, it’s actually quite simple
  • Just make your marketing fun
  • The build-up to Carissa Hill’s 6 figure launch
  • Build your page to be “Stalking Worthy” so you can generate leads
  • Offering varying paying plans
  • Coffee with Carissa’s logistics breakdown
  • You need your email lists
  • Carissa’s method of starting her company’s CULT-ure
  • Carissa’s slogan is “Be real, have fun, make money, love life”
  • “More people actually watch my replays than on live”…How?
  • Her views on marketing being less serious and more personal
  • Carissa’s final input on the Facebook route of getting your business traffic


“What I’ve noticed over the years is that a lot of businesses, it doesn’t matter if they’re off line or online but they’re just not doing things right on social media, which is why it’s not working. I think most people are trying to be too strategic about it where I have always been about trying to make it fun.”

“I do really focus on building a sense of community and giving a lot of my value to my clients so that they want to stay and I find that really helps people to join and also it helps when anyone new inside the program inquires about my facebook group all of my current clients jump in and say “it’s amazing you have to join.”

“I really focus a lot on making myself into a personal brand I think it’s really what helps a lot as well.”

“One of my little secrets is that everytime I sell something, if I’m going to do a live video and make an offer, I actually have a little post-it note on my computer that says ‘Just trying to help’ and I find that always helps me focus on that more than just trying to sell something.”

“I just add a lot of content when I’m selling something, like I just give heaps of value.”

Links: Coffee with Carissa