Clean Up Your Life with Jane McCourt Podcast

Clean Up Your Life with Jane McCourt

Jane McCourt
Hi, I'm Jane McCourt. 6 months after being diagnosed with breast cancer, using my method, the McCourt Method, I had an ultrasound, NO tumour or lesions could be found. These are my thoughts and feelings around my journey to a clean and healthy life.
Face It, Own It Interview with Jo Blackwell
This is an interview for BBC Look East that I was invited to be a part of by Jo Blackwell of The Midlife Movement as part of her Face It, Own It campaign. If you want to be a part of it, then follow the link to her website and join in.
Oct 7, 2019
2 min
My eco trip to Wales
I've recently been to spend 4 days in an eco environment in Wales, it was an amazing experience, these are my thoughts while I was down there. For more information on cleaning up your toxic load in your life and living a more environmentally friendly life visit my website, I'm regularly adding more information to the reading lists there.
Jul 19, 2019
4 min
There is a life
I've been having a sort out and I've come across some old recordings from when I was in the full throws of my treatment. The messages are still very relevant, so I thought I'd start sharing them, with you. I was six months into my Gerson treatment when I recorded this one. For more information on my journey visit my website
Jul 18, 2019
5 min
ChemoGiftBags interview with Debbie McGee
I am an ambassador for they are a charity that provides a beautiful bag of essentials for men and women going through breast cancer treatment. I even get a cheeky little mention as their latest ambassador, as we bring chemogiftbags to Oxford.
Jul 16, 2019
13 min
Interview day at The Daily Mail
Very excited to spending the day with some amazing ladies being interviewed by The Daily Mail. Thank you to Jo Blackwell for this opportunity as part of The Midlife Movement.
Jun 24, 2019
1 min
A good news day
 A happy day in my life on my cancer healing journey - proving that self belief, listening to your body, willpower and an alternative healing system can change the course of the original cancer diagnosis. I have attached a link to my free gift PDF "So What is Cancer" which forms part of The McCourt Method programme. 
Apr 29, 2019
3 min
Nutrition for health
Janes interview with Jo Blackwell the founder of The Midlife Movement, talking about Janes story and how your diet influences your health.
Apr 9, 2019
25 min
Don't live with fear
Sometimes we live in a state of fear because we don't want to know the answer, but what if there is a sensible solution and the the problem isn't what you were fearing anyway? Isn't it better to find out?
Apr 5, 2019
10 min
Time as a healer
More and more often in the world today we want a quick fix. This is my take on time as healer.
Apr 1, 2019
7 min