If you're always complaining about feeling fatigue or being tired, then you're not alone. This blog post explore ten possible answers to the question, "why am I so tired?" Notes for this episode can be found here: https://www.cleaneatingkitchen.com/ten-reasons-why-always-tired/ Get my FREEBIE download How to Make Energy Bites (all vegan and gluten-free here)! Get certified 0%-THC CBD Oil products here (use code CLEANEATING for 10% off your order: http://medterracbd.com?aff=59 Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) If you are enjoying this podcast, I would love it if you would leave a review on iTunes. It only takes a few minutes. I read every single one, and I really enjoy the feedback.
Sep 3, 2018
18 min

With so many diets in the headlines these days, it can be hard to choose which one will work for you. This article shares some of the differences between paleo, keto, Whole30, vegan, and clean eating diets. Notes for this episode can be found here: https://www.cleaneatingkitchen.com/paleo-keto-whole30-vegan-diets/ Get my FREEBIE download How to Make Energy Bites (all vegan and gluten-free here)! Get real food delivered to your doorstep. Try Paleo On the Go.com (use code CLEANEATING for a $15 off your first order) Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) If you are enjoying this podcast, I would love it if you would leave a review on iTunes. It only takes a few minutes. I read every single one, and I really enjoy the feedback.
Aug 20, 2018
21 min

There are few things more frustrating than trying to lose weight and not having any success. This post shares eight health reasons you might be having trouble or simply can't lose weight. Notes for this episode can be found here: https://www.cleaneatingkitchen.com/health-reasons-not-losing-weight/ Get my FREEBIE download How to Make Energy Bites (all vegan and gluten-free here)! Try certified zero-THC CBD oil at MedterraCBD.com (use code CLEANEATING for 10% off your order)! Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) If you are enjoying this podcast, I would love it if you would leave a review on iTunes. It only takes a few minutes. I read every single one, and I really enjoy the feedback.
Aug 6, 2018
25 min

Maybe you’ve heard about the benefits of going dairy-free, but you’re not sure if it’s right for you? This episode includes six reasons to consider going dairy-free. Notes for this episode can be found here: https://www.cleaneatingkitchen.com/health-reasons-to-go-dairy-free/ Get my FREEBIE download How to Make Energy Bites (all vegan and gluten-free here)! Find my e-cookbook with 55 gluten-free and dairy-free recipes on the Amazon Kindle store here! Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) If you are enjoying this podcast, I would love it if you would leave a review on iTunes. It only takes a few minutes. I read every single one, and I really enjoy the feedback.
Jul 23, 2018
26 min

Notes for this episode can be found here: https://www.cleaneatingkitchen.com/why-go-gluten-free-non-celiac/ Get my FREEBIE download How to Make Energy Bites (all vegan and gluten-free here)! Get $15 off your first order of Paleo On the Go frozen meals delivered to your doorstep (use code CLEANEATING for discount)! Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) If you are enjoying this podcast, I would love it if you would leave a review on iTunes. It only takes a few minutes. I read every single one, and I really enjoy the feedback.
Jul 9, 2018
27 min

Notes for this episode can be found here: https://www.cleaneatingkitchen.com/8-tips-to-go-sugar-free/ Get my FREEBIE download How to Make Energy Bites (all vegan and gluten-free here)! Get 10% off your order of CBD oil at MedterraCBD.com (use code CLEANEATING for discount)! Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! 21-Day Clean Eating Jumpstart Challenge! Clean Eating Every Day by Carrie Forrest Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) If you are enjoying this podcast, I would love it if you would leave a review on iTunes. It only takes a few minutes. I read every single one, and I really enjoy the feedback.
Jun 25, 2018
20 min

Australian Nutritionist Jessica Sepel the wellness expert behind the JSHealth brand is here today to talk about giving up diets to heal our relationship with food and begin practicing balance and moderation.In this episode of the Clean Eating for Women podcast, we talk about: How fad diets lead to deprivation and an unhealthy relationship with food Jessica shares her painful journey of having an eating disorder The difference between being weight conscious and health conscious Some highlights of this episode on giving up diets: Jessica Sepel is a clinical nutritionist and health author of two books. She is passionate about her relationship with food. Her brand JSHealth stands for finding balance and freedom with food. [01:28] Jessica was trapped in the fad diet world for years. Diets associated with restriction and deprivation always backfire. These create a vicious cycle where you have a really complicated relationship with food. There is another way to achieve a healthy life. [02:33] How disordered eating came about in Jessica's life. She started fad dieting at 14 and continued for 10 years. She developed an eating disorder and disconnected with her body. She developed fear and anxiety about her weight. [03:29] Jessica studied nutrition and started a blog about her journey of becoming a more whole foods and balanced eater. She slowly started to heal her relationship with food. She also went to therapy and discovered recipes that made her feel good. [05:21] The blog began as a personal journal. Her husband said she should make the blog live and use it as a tool to get new patients. Women will relate to the incredibly open and vulnerable story. She made the blog live six months after starting her writing, and she got 20,000 visitors. The positive feedback was motivating. [08:02] She began coaching and really got to see what women were going through in real life. The blog took off and she doesn't practice in the clinic anymore, but she loves her larger platform. [10:38] Jessica believes in a balanced moderation approach that is completely realistic to every person's life. None of the advice is unattainable. [13:06] How restrictive diets are so hard to stick to over the long term. Many people can't go past three to six months. Then they start binging or obsessing about food. They are just not sustainable. [16:03] How we are all so chemically unique. We have to think about what diet works best for our bodies and stop disconnecting and listening to all of the diet advice that doesn't fit our unique selves. We know best. [19:12] Links mentioned in this episode: the GOOD fest JSHealth Jessica on Instagram JSHealth on Facebook @JessicaSepel on Twitter Jessica Sepel Pinterest Books by Jessica Sepel Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! 21-Day Clean Eating Jumpstart Challenge! Clean Eating Every Day by Carrie Forrest Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) Don’t miss new blog posts! Join my weekly newsletter list to get all the latest news and recipe links delivered directly to your inbox. If you are enjoying this podcast, I would love it if you would leave a review on iTunes. It only takes a few minutes. I read every single one, and I really enjoy the feedback.
Jun 18, 2018
35 min

Rosie Tran is the world’s healthiest flight attendant. She is the creator of Kale in the Clouds and has an amazing instagram account. Today, we will be talking about healthy travel tips and how Rosie takes care of herself while being 33,000 feet in the air.In this episode of the Clean Eating for Women podcast, we talk about: How being a flight attendant has allowed Rosie to get out of her comfort zone Rosie’s balanced approach to food and life How Rosie started listening to her body, changed her mindset, and eats foods that make her feel good Some highlights of this episode on Healthy Travel Tips with Kale in the Clouds Creator Rosie Tran: Four years ago, Rosie was asked to be her best friends Maid of Honor. Rosie decided to eat clean and focus on eating mostly veggies. This began her clean eating wellness journey. She started with a restrictive plant based route, but soon learned that balance was necessary. [03:39] Prep is so important, because then it will be there when it is needed. It's hard to find time to put meals together. Having things premade helps so much. [05:19] Amazing food prep for the plane and hotel rooms. She got a little skillet, because some hotels don't offer microwaves. She would bring a spiralizer and heat zucchini in her room. This has made her job more fun. [08:05] Self-care. Rosie was so excited about every bit of her job. She worked a lot and made sure she was seeing everything on her layovers. Eventually, she realized she needed to slow down, take care of her body, and get the sleeps she needs. Slow down and don't have an agenda. Go after a good workout. [10:26] Rosie's best memories revolve around people and meeting unintentional friends. The importance of connection and in-person relationships. [12:56] Meal prepping. Mason jar salads. So easy to pop lid off and throw in dressing. Pre Packed salads and meals, plus the ingredients for other meals for longer trips. Filling meals don't require snacking. Bars, chips, chocolate, and fruit are great snacks. [16:51] Flight attendants don't have liquid restrictions. Being a flight attendant is such a cool job. The travel and flexibility is amazing. The importance of pursuing your true happiness and when work isn't work. [22:06] Rosie loves going to Hawaii. She gets to go there once a month. She now has enough seniority to pick where she flies to. Maui is her favorite. She loves the good weather and she is off to LA today. [27:05] Links mentioned in this episode: Kale in the Clouds @KaleintheClouds on Instagram How This Flight Attendant Stays Healthy at 33,000 Feet in the Air The GOOD Fest Shut the Kale Up @ShuttheKaleUp on Instagram Hu Kitchen Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! 21-Day Clean Eating Jumpstart Challenge! Clean Eating Every Day by Carrie Forrest Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) Don’t miss new blog posts! Join my weekly newsletter list to get all the latest news and recipe links delivered directly to your inbox.
Jun 4, 2018
34 min

Kiran Krishnan is the Chief Science Officer at Just Thrive Probiotics. He is a research microbiologist that has been in the industry for 16 years. He has promised to educate us today about spore based probiotics in a way that is easy to understand. rIn this episode of the Clean Eating for Women podcast, we talk about: Kiran gives us a probiotic overview We learn what spore based probiotics are 80% of our immune system exists in our gut Some highlights of this episode on Probiotics for Healing with Just Thrive Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan: Kiran's super power is that he is a nerd that can talk to humans. He is going to explain some complicated topics in an easy to understand and "digestible" way. I heard Kiran on another podcast and knew he would be a great guest for the show. [01:13] Probiotics were first invented by Elie Metchnikoff. He put forth the idea that illness comes from an overabundance of bad bacteria. Auto intoxication. Using good bacteria to counteract bad bacteria. [02:11] A probiotic should be a live microorganism. It's a bacteria of some sort that can get into your system and make significant and valuable changes to the rest of the population in your digestive system and immune system. [03:17] If we have the right type of bacteria in our gut, we can create a significant amount of value in the way our body and our immune system functions. A probiotic is a good bacteria that goes to work for you fixing damage that we have done to our microbiome. [04:08] Things that can damage our microbiome can be too much sugar or taking antibiotics. We are a collection of thousands of organisms that work together as a whole. Our modern environment disrupts the cycle. Preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, glyphosate, chlorine, fluoride, and 80% of our personal care products destroy our bodies bacterial cultures. [04:52] Spore based probiotics form an endospore to protect themselves. They can survive in stomach acid. Then in the gut, they recondition the environment. They find bad bacteria and kill them off and feed the good bacteria through prebiotic foods. [11:33] Leaky gut is what is driving chronic inflammation that is driving chronic disease. Endotoxins leak through the intestinal lining and get into your bloodstream. This sets off inflammation and starts the process of disease. Obesity, brain fog, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, and autoimmune diseases are all caused by toxins leaking from the gut. [19:42] Spore based probiotics are able to stop leaky gut in 30 days. It can help heal and reverse the entire condition. Metabolic endotoxemia is the process of digestion increasing intestinal leakiness. [25:59] The vast majority of the body can heal if we put it in a healing state. We can't be in a healing state with a continuous flood of toxins and inflammation just from eating food. [31:04] Links mentioned in this episode: Just Thrive Probiotic Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan Elie Metchnikoff Kiran Krishnan - Forget What You Know About Probiotics - a Paradigm Shift Kiran Krishnan YouTube Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! 21-Day Clean Eating Jumpstart Challenge! Clean Eating Every Day by Carrie Forest Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) Don’t miss new blog posts! Join my weekly newsletter list to get all the latest news and recipe links delivered directly to your inbox.
May 21, 2018
47 min

Amy Medling is an amazing health coach and healer. She is the creator and host of the PCOS Diva website and podcast. She has a new book out called Healing PCOS: A 21-Day Plan for Reclaiming Your Health and Life with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and she is here today to share her healing philosophies with us. In this episode of the Clean Eating for Women podcast, we talk about: What is PCOS Amy’s healing journey Principles of healing PCOS Some highlights of this episode on how to make veggies taste delicious: How Carrie manages her PCOS symptoms with diet and lifestyle. A lot of women are frustrated with their doctors PCOS advice. Common symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, depression, and anxiety. Amy experienced many of these symptoms, but wasn't getting a lot of help. [01:22] Doctors were giving Amy a lot of strange pharmaceutical drugs. She finally went to a reproductive endocrinologist and got a PCOS diagnosis. She was 31 when she was diagnosed. It took 15 years to get her diagnosis. [04:45] Amy wants to give women the knowledge to empower themselves, and be diva's at the doctors office. After the birth of her second son, she was exhausted all the time. Mainstream advice wasn't helping. She decided to take control of her health. [05:50] Amy spent countless hours scouring online and reading books about PCOS. She started experimenting with diet and realized as she ordered at a restaurant that she was a diva. This was an aha moment, because she realized that she had to be a diva to take the best care of herself. [07:58] The three main factors of PCOS are insulin resistance, blood sugar issues, and elevated androgens. Start with managing your blood sugar better. Amy actually used a glucometer to understand how food was making her feel. Eating to keep her blood sugar levels in check really helped. [11:42] She started eating an anti-inflammatory diet with a lot of vegetables, clean animal protein, and water. She also took supplements and eight healthy fats. This helped get her hormones in balance, and it made her feel a lot better. [13:03] Women with PCOS are at an increased risk of blood clots by being on the pill. It can also increase insulin resistance and exacerbate mood disorders. It lowers libido and creates nutrition deficiency. [15:47] Amy started reading PubMed articles and finding ways to decrease her blood sugar. She would use things like apple cider vinegar. Her lab work showed that what she was doing was actually working. She also started blogging about it in 2009. She feels it is her calling to help women heal from PCOS. She went back to school to become a health coach. [18:24] Amy's book is a lifestyle plan. It talks about symptoms of PCOS and gives an overview. Then it jumps into the three tenets of being a diva. Thinking like a diva and changing your mindset. Then eating like a diva, moving like a diva, preparing for success to start the 21-day plan. [23:48] Links mentioned in this episode: PCOS Diva PCOS Diva on Facebook @pcosdiva on Twitter PCOS Diva on Instagram Healing PCOS: A 21-Day Plan for Reclaiming Your Health and Life with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Pcos: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome : The Hidden Epidemic PubMed The 8 Steps to Reverse Your PCOS Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods Dr. Tom O’Bryan Dr. Amy Myers Healing PCOS Bonus Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! 21-Day Clean Eating Jumpstart Challenge! Clean Eating Every Day by Carrie Forest Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) Don’t miss new blog posts! Join my weekly newsletter list to get all the latest news and recipe links delivered directly to your inbox.
May 7, 2018
38 min
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