Church of the City New York
Church of the City New York
Jon Tyson
Come & See: I Am the Light of the World - Suzy Silk
56 minutes Posted Jun 3, 2024 at 9:42 am.
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This Sunday, Pastor Suzy Silk continued our Come & See sermon Series with a teaching on Jesus’ I AM statement, “I am the light of the world” out of John 7 and 8. Each of Jesus’ I AM claims were incredibly radical for the original audience, and because we live in a world where light is a resource readily available to us, we can easily miss the weight Jesus’ words should still carry for us today. Jesus calls us to believe that He is the true source of light and to follow Him into whole life discipleship. When we walk in step with Jesus, we are able to possess His light, be transformed into children of light, and share in being the light of the world with our Savior.