Pastor Gardner shares another installment in his series "Unbelieving Believers" entitled "Embracing God's Jubilee!" In this sermon, Pastor Gardner shows the Old Testament meaning behind the Year of Jubilee, the New Testament fulfillment in Jesus, and the End-Time Prophetic implications for the Followers of Jesus!
Nov 8, 2015
47 min

Pastor Steve Gardner shares the 2nd. installment of his series entitled "Unbelieving Believers!" Part 2 is entitled "Embracing the War We are In!" This is a very straightforward message to his church, and all churches in the Knoxville Tennessee area, but also a message to the Church of Jesus Christ in America at large! We know this sermon will both challenge you and bless you! You can email Pastor Gardner at: [email protected] or you can listen to other messages by Pastor Gardner by visiting the Church website: CtrCog.com
Nov 1, 2015
56 min