This episode focuses on the life of Moses and his calling from God to deliver the Israelites from Egypt and to take them into the promise land. This sermon will go deeper into his overall character and what made him become the greatest leaders of all time
Feb 28, 2021
4 min
This series goes deeper into the type of life King David led and more so the kind & characteristics of the people he came across and how they had positively or negatively affected his life. This series also puts into perspective how best to engage with such people in our lives as God's anointed ones
Jan 27, 2021
23 min
"In order to have a prosperous year, we need to start having prosperous days and the best way we can achieve this is by starting our mornings right..."
Jan 21, 2021
2 min
" We live in a time where there is a mixture of fear, pressure, uncertainty and a realization of how much we aren’t really in control of our surroundings and circumstances. But I want to encourage you with this word and say that we aren’t alone. That God is with us and he is with you at this present moment".
Jan 15, 2021
1 min
Be revived and blessed with this week's Sunday Devotional with Pastor Herman as he shares the scripture on Joshua that God has not brought you this far to leave you.
Nov 8, 2020
2 min