Choosing Hope Podcast

Choosing Hope

Asta Carvalho
Welcome to the choosing hope podcast. Im asta, a I'm a thirty year old busy wife who's here to share my story on why I chose hope and am hoping this will resonate with you! I will be talking about my journey from growing up, marriage, infertility struggles and everything in between. My journey has inspired me to share my story and hopefully I can inspire you guys to do the same! I'm so grateful that you decided to tune in today! Connect with me on Instagram and let's be friends, find me @asta.m.carvalho
Let's bring more HAPPINESS to our days!!
Happiness is a choice and you totally deserve to make the most of each day. In this episode I break down how I choose happy on a daily basis. Because there's always room to see the good! I hope you choose happy today and everyday because you deserve it.
Sep 13, 2021
15 min
Here for more HELL YEAHS!
In today's episode I talk about why I'm being super mindful of my time, and how to manage being busy. We can often be people pleasers and I am so guilty of that. We should do things that excite us MORE! This is the topic in today's episode and I am coming at you with some saucy tips, real talk and some takeaways I've had while I learn to not drain myself. If you are struggling with overwhelm and have trouble saying no, this episode is FOR YOU! 
Aug 26, 2021
12 min
It's OKAY to say no!
Struggling with saying yes to others and no to yourself? Then this episode is a must listen! While I navigate my own struggles, I share why mental health is so important and some tips that have helped me learn to say no. I also dive into why asking for help and support is necessary. I'm so glad you're tuning in! If this episode spoke to you feel free to share it with a friend! Find me @asta.m.carvalho on instagram and let's connect!!
Aug 6, 2021
16 min
Your past does not DEFINE You!
Get a little glimpse into my life growing up, trauma, loss, grief and how I got to where I am today. This one's more personal and it is raw, unfiltered and gritty. I hope you get some take aways from this!
Jul 22, 2021
20 min
Slowing down isn't less than
This episode is to to remind you that matter what season of life you’re in, your goals MATTER! Even if they change...there is no right or wrong moment Honour the season of life you’re in!
Jun 24, 2021
14 min
Taking a short break
I'll be taking a few weeks off to recover and rest, until then keep choosing hope!
Jun 4, 2021
1 min
Motivation is BS!
In this episode I'm shedding light on how we need MORE than just motivation to show up for our goals. HOW can we dig deeper? We need to remind ourselves we all have good days and bad ones. I hope this little pep talk resonates with you!! Let me know what you think and let's connect on IG @asta.m.carvalho
May 26, 2021
11 min
SHOWING Up for Yourself!
In this episode I share tips and the importance of showing up for you! Making time for your goals and dreams seems overwhelming but I break it down for you. Can't wait to hear what you think! Share this with someone who needs that reminder today! Tag me on IG and let's get the message out there!
May 20, 2021
11 min
GROWING pains!
Every get to a point in your life where you are outgrowing others, your environment and things feel uncomfortable? Girl you aren't alone! Those growing pains mean you are putting the work in. I'm giving you some reminders and reasons why this season is important! I hope you enjoy it!
May 12, 2021
10 min
CLAP for your damn SELF!!
It's time we start to recognize that the small steps matter too! In this episode I share how I flipped the switch on looking at others to be proud and learned how to celebrate myself. Honestly, every step forward should be celebrated, life's too short! So clap for yourself and share this episode with someone who needs to hear this! And while you're at it, let's connect on instagram so you can share with me something you are clapping for today! Find me @asta.m.carvalho Until next time! Keep choosing hope!! 
May 5, 2021
11 min
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