The Unconstrained Podcast Podcast

The Unconstrained Podcast

[email protected] (Myles Wakeham)
Join us on the journey towards financial independence and being unconstrained. Your host, Myles Wakeham, explores the art of financial sustainability and individual sovereignty resulting in a debt free lifestyle. If you want to be challenged by a contrarian, think outside the box and go against the grain, this show is for you. Myles has spent his life doing the polar opposite of the "social mantra" in multiple countries and this has resulted in extraordinary results. Open your mind to thinking different, and getting MUCH better results for your finance, freedom and family.
EP235 - BRICS+
While you are sleeping, there’s a risk to your enIre wealth and you probably never saw it looming. Your media never talked about it, most of those that are at least aware of it dismissed it as silliness or some conspiracy theory. But the risk has grown exponenIally in the past 12 months and now I think we are at Defcon levels of risk on this, and we should be openly talking about BRICS+
Mar 17, 2024
51 min
EP234 - The generational differences in attitude to retiring early
Age brings wisdom.  Age also loses flexibility in so many ways.  Things don’t stand still and one must adjust to the universe because it won’t adjust to you.  Having said that, I think that the attitudes to those seeking early retirement vs. those that are retiring because of end of career is very different and they don’t see eye to eye.  Let’s talk about that in this episode.
Mar 10, 2024
58 min
EP233 - Handwriting and why it matters
On a recent news story in Arizona, I was amused to see two news anchors (one an older gentleman and one younger lady) talking about a new AI infused technology that created handwriting of a person by using a robot.  Their reactions to this tell a generational story about social life & expectations in the USA, and so I wanted to expand upon this in this episode.
Mar 3, 2024
55 min
EP232 - Ozempic
The advancement in technology brings a lot of fear, uncertainty & doubt to us. And recently one such invention appears to be doing this – GLP-1 inhibitors, used for diabetes but discovered to have massive impact on weight. The most common name you will hear is ‘Ozempic’. On this episode, I’m going to delve into this both from a medical & financial angle, and yes…. I’ve been taking Ozempic now for the past 2 months, so I’ll tell you my story with it as well.
Feb 25, 2024
1 hr 8 min
EP231 - A theory on how you clear $34 Trillion of national debt
On January 3rd, the US Federal short term debt showed up at $34 Trillion dollars.  This doesn’t take into consideration of the long term liabilities on the balance sheet of country that go to the promised social security & Medicare payments for seniors.  That would add another $80 Trillion to the tally.  But this simply is the accumulation of decades of losses on the profit & loss statement of the country.  In this episode, I’m going to float a theory on how the USA will clear this debt quickly, but I don’t think you are going to like it…
Feb 18, 2024
51 min
EP230 - Let's get real about the lies of retirement funds
In this off script episode, I get real about the lies they tell you about 401Ks, IRAs, Superannuation funds, etc.  I explain what they promised and what was delivered and why it is far from optimal for retirement vs. residential rental real estate properties.
Feb 11, 2024
39 min
EP229 -Always choose Open Source
This is a little tale about the dangers of proprietary technology and, when I broke my own rules, it came back to bite me big time. Let this be a warning to you all – your first option should always be to find an open source version of anything you need.
Feb 4, 2024
1 hr 6 min
EP228 - The cheapest way to travel to Mexico
I’ve made about 16 flights between the USA & Mexico in the past 12 months, and I’ve learned where the deals are, even if you are not using frequent flyer miles. On this episode, I’ll let you know what I found and where you can look to find super cheap deals.
Jan 28, 2024
52 min
EP227 - Living a Simple Life in a structured world
This episode is a reset moment. Maybe one that is sorely needed. Our attention is all over the place these days, and yet we forget the simplest things that leads to true peace. As an embracement of the principles of a Simple Life, I give you something to think about – how you can survive in our journey through life, and to realize the wrong path that most of us are on.
Jan 21, 2024
1 hr 18 min
EP226 - Why are students not coming to the USA to study?
A good friend of mine who works in the community college world in Arizona sent me an article that he found on why international students won’t come to the USA to study.  I spent the next 30 minutes or so explaining the entire reasons, and I thought you might be interested in the whole story.  Here we go…
Jan 14, 2024
54 min
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