Characters of The Book of Mormon Podcast

Characters of The Book of Mormon

Skyler Peacock
Welcome and thank you for checking out Characters of The Book of Mormon, I hope to bring entertainment and knowledge into studying the Book of Mormon. I will be talking about many topics which are about theories of where the land of Zarahemla lays, how we can learn from the experiences of the people from the Book of Mormon, in depth scripture analysis, some news from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and much more. Note to listeners: This podcast has no association with and is not sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints. This podcast is only produced as a resource for the listeners of the podcast to understand the Book of Mormon in more detail. This podcast is produced, written, and hosted by Skyler Peacock. Skyler Peacock is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints, he is a avid student of the Bible and Book of Mormon, he has no educational background with biblical studies or degrees of religion.
Oct 4, 2019
55 sec
Episode 3 The Start to the End
the first 4 generations of the Jaredites hopefully they stay righteous people.
Jul 22, 2019
12 min
Episode 1: The Tower of Babel
what exactly does the bible say about the tower of babel? was the earth divided at this time? or was it the people of the land divided?
Jul 22, 2019
18 min
Church News and highlights from general conference April 2019
Jul 22, 2019
4 min
Episode 2: The Jaredites Journey to The Promise Land
What helped the Jaredites come to the Americans and what kind of conditions did they really have to go through?
Jul 22, 2019
19 min
Prelude To The Book of Ether
lands of the book of Mormon and where they are located
Jul 22, 2019
12 min