Character Arcana, A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast Podcast
Character Arcana, A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast
Chartacter Ark
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Gilroy and the boys
Interesting and funny play at every turn. Enough plot-hooks and roll play to keep the story fresh in decry episode.
You have a Bard following you around too?!
I have heard the tales of Mendell Sands, Alabaster and Doug Saucepotts from the Bard, Character Arcana. Weird name, if you ask me. Anyways, I look forward to every tale as they can definitely give me a good laugh. Mendell Sands is probably my favorite character though Squeaks is pretty cool too. I know with a crew as adventurous as this one that the realms will stay safe. If not, at least it'll be a good story!
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Steve the Goblinslayer
This podcast is great for the listener looking for a laugh! The players have a fun time together, and I like that their OOC banter isn’t edited out. It really makes you feel like you’re sitting with a group of friends, and you get to be in on all the jokes. I also like how active they are on social media, so you can really feel like you’re part of the community.
On the hilarious side of Dice
If you need a laugh, a smile to pick up your day, or anything of the sort while listening to dice rolling that tells a story, go grab some Character Arcana in your life. -WafflesMapleSyrup
Great find!
Super funny group of people! The party dynamic is very fun and the storyline is solid. Definitely worth a listen! Plus...BRO.
Nico J Rodriguez
Super Funny Real-Play!
I listened to the first episode and a chunk of the second and it was a really fun and funny podcast. The characters seem pretty well thought out and distinct. The players seem like really good friends and are super comfortable with each other. I really enjoyed the goofs they had and how they explored the narrative in character! I legit LOL'd a couple of times. Fun podcast and I highly recommend - Dice Populi Crew
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The Double DM
It’s been a while, for sure...
The last time I heard something this funny and engaging, I had locked myself in the bathroom where I had atrocious, exploding diarrhea. It burned the sphincter something fierce, but I knew I couldn’t focus on that at the time as my family were banging on the door and screaming at me. Apparently, I had ruined Thanksgiving dinner and Apparently, they wanted the antidote. But the joke really WAS on them. There never was an antidote. It was all a lie. As the thuds of their bodies hitting the floor sounded periodically, the banging slowly came to a halt. It was difficult for me to laugh through the sputtering spits of booty spew and cramping tumbly-wumblies, and I realized that the body counts and disappointments are the friends we make along the way.
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A Great Time!
The Cast is Hilarious and honestly I really loved just listening in. It is always great when you spend some time with a podcast and get caught up in it and start laughing along. I highly recommend it!
Pretty funny
I like them. You can feel them get more comfortable as they get a couple episodes in. It’s only once a month, but I’m always looking for new stuff to listen to. Check them out.
"The Greatest"
I was unaware there was a Bard following me around, recording my adventures so that future generations may appreciate my awesomemess!!! That totally checks out though because, i mean... who WOULDN'T want to hear a story about me, and only me, saving the whole world... Well, maybe with the help of one very powerful squirrel... But definitely not a Dragonborn, her reject fairy dragon, and an odd baking Demon named Doug.
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Mendell Sands