Character Arcana, A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast Podcast
Character Arcana, A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast
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C3 Ep. 1: Afterlife Crisis - episode of Character Arcana, A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast podcast

C3 Ep. 1: Afterlife Crisis

1 hour 9 minutes Posted Oct 26, 2021 at 6:40 pm.
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Show notes

Grogg Guzzler the half Goblin, half Orc Arcane Archer and Bardolomew Biggins the halfling bard, have been handsomely paid to clear a man of a mysterious magical crime. 

DM/Producer: Richard Bertelsen

Grogg Guzzler: Nick Slaick

Bardolomew Biggins: Bret Larimer


"Viking" and "Dance of the U-Boat" by Aakash Gandhi

"Crusade" by Video Classica

"Thunder" by Delicate Steve

"Imperial Forces" by Aaron Kenny

"Heroe's Ascent" by Chris Haugen

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