Character Arcana, A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast Podcast
Character Arcana, A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast
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Ep. 10: The Child of Light - episode of Character Arcana, A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast podcast

Ep. 10: The Child of Light

1 hour 30 minutes Posted Apr 3, 2021 at 5:00 am.
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Show notes

Our heroes find themselves in the middle of a war, and Armen's true purpose is revealed.

DM: Nick Slaick

Griffin Dadson/Editor: Richard Bertelsen
Armen Hammer: Ted Hong
Ummon Kowka: Bret Larimer (@Sometimes_Family on Instagram)

Music from Youtube Audio Library:

"Epic Journey" by Yung Logos

"Claim of Thrones" by RKVC
"Imperial Forces" by Aaron Kenny
"The Battle of 1066" by Aakash Gandhi
"Gaia in the Fog" by Dan Bodan
"Dark Toys" by SYBS
"The Long Night" by Qunicas Moreira
"Magical Triumph" by Sir Cubworth

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