Central Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Virginia Podcast

Central Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Virginia

Pastor Steve Grieme
Sermon messages from Central Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Virginia
On Mission With Jesus
Have you ever had high expectations for something only to have them exceeded by the actual event. Jesus sends his followers out to represent him and that comes with a lot of expectation. It can stir up fear, excitement, adventure, and the list goes on. This week we’ll explore how Jesus sent his first disciples out. That experience provides us with some fascinating discoveries with how we’re sent as well.
Aug 8, 2021
A Heart for Others
Have you ever had your heart broken? Have you ever experienced the sting that is so deep that the hurt and pain seemed to linger around? If so, you are in good company, Jesus experienced heartache also. Jesus had a heart for others. As we continue our series, Disciples Making Disciples, we will see how Jesus showed compassion to all people and challenges you to do the same.
Aug 1, 2021
Who is a Disciple?
Sometimes there are people in life we’d love to be around, but for whatever reason we can’t. So, we opt for the next best thing, being around people who know them best. Why? Because when you’ve been around people long enough they rub off on us. We take on some their mannerisms, tell the same stories, view life the same way. As we continue our series, Disciples Making Disciples, we’ll look at who a disciple is. You’ll surely be encouraged that a disciple can be any one of us, we just have to follow.
Jul 25, 2021
The Shared Commission
Jesus doesn’t merely teach about God’s concern for people; He sends out His followers to serve them. Now, that might sound a little intimidating. However, the disciples Jesus chose to send were everyday people who could relate well to other everyday people. He didn’t choose the pastors and religious leaders of the day, He mainly chose fisherman. And now He chooses to send you. The church is at her best when every Christ-follower takes seriously the imperative “to make disciples”. During our next thought provoking sermon series, Disciples Making Disciples, we’ll explore just how we can grow in our effectiveness in accomplishing the mission we’ve been given.
Jul 18, 2021
The Story of the Seed
Sometimes we ask the wrong questions. We are continuing our series looking at stories of hope. This next story is the story of the sower. It’s easy to miss the point of the parable because we get distracted with other questions. This Sunday we’ll focus on the purpose of the story and you’ll be sure to be encouraged by the plans God has for you.
Jul 4, 2021
The Story of the Wedding Banquet
This Sunday, we’ll look at another one of Jesus’ stories. It’s a story about a king who sent out many invitations to see that his son would be honored. It’s a compelling story that causes us to wrestle with how do we respond to the invitation to honor the son.
Jun 27, 2021
The Story of the Lost Son
Every parent wants to provide a strong, stable home for our children. We want our kids to grow up to be mature, responsible, good natured, and confident. Getting there can sometimes be an interesting journey. This Father’s day we are looking at a well known story that Jesus told where God is represented by a father. Well, that story is packed with a lot of helpful parenting principles that is helpful to parents in any stage of life.
Jun 20, 2021
The Story of the Pearl Merchant
Many times when Jesus taught he used stories. Stories of how to live, how to love, how honor God. His stories challenge our thinking and encourage our soul. During the next 5 weeks we will explore several of Jesus’ most captivating stories. Amazingly, Jesus’ timeless stories continue to connect with any audience.
Jun 13, 2021
Lost Hope Can Be Restored, Part 5
We’ve reached the dramatic conclusion of the book of Exodus. There is one central question the Exodus has been dealing with and that is, “God, will you really be with us?” Because, sin the fall humanity moved from life to death, from God’s presence to God’s distance. Exodus 40 will answer that question in dramatic fashion, and yet leave with another cliffhanger. A cliffhanger, we’ll explore this Sunday. This is such an important message and I’m so excited to see you this Sunday.
Jun 6, 2021
Lost Hope Can Be Restored, Part 4
We would sure love a silver bullet or a magic recipe to get fit or defying aging wouldn’t we? The truth is there is no silver bullet, it takes work. Likewise, with spiritual growth there is a cost involved. There is no secret recipe to make you a mature follower of Jesus. The Israelites would learn that lesson. I want us to see what it take as well. I’m excited to explore with you some key principles of spiritual growth.
May 30, 2021
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