Center for Genetically Encoded Materials Podcast

Center for Genetically Encoded Materials

GEM-NET—the software that keeps CGEM connected
This episode is a deep dive into C-GEM's scientific teamwork software infrastructure ("GEM-NET"), whose design and setup instructions were published as an article in ACS Central Science (Gaffney et al. 2019). Today's discussion is led by C-GEM Project Coordinator Sarah Smaga who speaks with team members and article co-authors Stephen Gaffney, Jeffrey Townsend, and Omer Ad. They discuss their experiences working together as a virtual team using the tools of GEM-NET to manage task lists, scheduling, data sharing, collaborative document and code editing, and private and public communication. References • Gaffney, Stephen G., et al. "GEM-NET: Lessons in Multi-Institution Teamwork Using Collaboration Software." ACS central science 5.7 (2019): 1159-1169. • C-GEM's custom apps on GitHub: C-GEM is an NSF Center for Chemical Innovation.
Oct 15, 2019
35 min
CGEM Seed Investigator Omer Ad talks about new building blocks for CGEM polymers
Our fourth podcast features CGEM Seed Investigator Omer Ad discussing recent research demonstrating the ribosomal translation of benzoic acids including aramid precursors and malonyl substrates.
Aug 2, 2019
19 min
Jeffrey Townsend interviews Rhiju Das, creator of EteRNA
In our third podcast, Jeffrey Townsend interviews Rhiju Das, an Associate Professor of Biochemistry at Stanford University and the newest team member of the Center for Genetically Encoded Materials. Jeff talks to Rhiju about his 'citizen science' video game EteRNA, which he has turned into a massive open laboratory to advance science. This interview was recorded on the August 30, 2018. You can play EteRNA using your web browser at C-GEM is an NSF Center for Chemical Innovation.
Oct 18, 2018
48 min
Jeffrey Townsend interviews C-GEM Principal Investigator Alanna Schepartz
In our second podcast, Jeffrey Townsend interviews Alanna Schepartz, the head of the Center for Genetically Encoded Materials. Alanna discusses the science behind the Center, and the ways in which its leading edge biochemical research could create startling new possibilities in materials science. This interview was recorded on the June 13, 2018. C-GEM is an NSF Center for Chemical Innovation.
Jul 9, 2018
28 min
Ellen Kan of the Yale Daily News interviews Jeffrey Townsend about the new Center
In our first podcast, Ellen Kan, staff reporter at the Yale Daily News, interviews Jeffrey Townsend about the new Center for Genetically Encoded Materials. We cover what the Center is, what it will be doing, and what technologies it could lead to. This interview was recorded on the 19th of September, 2017.
Jun 19, 2018
12 min