Monika Betzler ist Professorin für Praktische Philosophie und Ethik an der LMU München.
Jan 19, 2017
1 hr 28 min

Spätestens seit Aristoteles gehören Fragen des Charakters und der Moral zu den Grundlagen der Ethik. Die Psychologie, und hier vor allem die Entwicklungspsychologie, interessiert sich für die emotionale, moralische und soziale Entwicklung bei Kindern und untersucht die Entstehung von Altruismus, Empathie und prosozialem Verhalten. Und auch in der Volkswirtschaftslehre spielt die Motivation von Entscheidungen traditionell eine große Rolle, deren Durchdringung es erlaubt, das Menschenbild hinter ökonomischen Modellen besser zu verstehen. Für die Rechtswissenschaft sind moralphilosophische Fragen insofern von Bedeutung, als sie die Grundlage für die Bindungs- und Geltungskraft von Gesetzen bilden. In diesem Schwerpunkt adressieren neben der Philosophie Wissenschaftler aus so unterschiedlichen Disziplinen wie der Psychologie, Ökonomie, Politikwissenschaft und der Rechtswissenschaft moralphilosophische Fragen. | David Laibson ist Robert I. Goldman Professor of Economics an der Harvard University.
Dec 8, 2016
1 hr 45 min

Walter Mischel is Robert Johnston Niven Professor of Humane Letters in Psychology at the University of Columbia.
[The CAS research focus "Moral Behavior" presents four lectures on willpower.] Representatives of the fields of philosophy, psychology and economics discuss the question of how strength and weakness of will affect decision-making processes, as well as the role of self-control.
Nov 24, 2016
1 hr 29 min

Richard Holton is Professor for Philosophy at the University of Cambridge.
[The CAS research focus "Moral Behavior" presents four lectures on willpower.] Representatives of the fields of philosophy, psychology and economics discuss the question of how strength and weakness of will affect decision-making processes, as well as the role of self-control.
Oct 27, 2016
1 hr 28 min

Initially an outgrowth of the desire to keep newborns and infants alive, the American child-rearing advice industry grew to become a means to influence American children of all ages. During the twentieth century, advice moved from issues of physical survival to psychological well-being, and from normal development to cognitive success. As doctors, psychologists and other professionals penetrated into the lives of middle class parents and their children, they contributed to the growing self-consciousness and accompanying anxiety of mothers regarding their responsibilities. In this context, Dr. Benjamin Spock emerged as the towering figure in post-World War II America parenting advice.
Sep 15, 2016
1 hr 31 min

What is the relationship between attachment and the virtues and vices of character? What are the implications of the answer for characterfocused public policy? This conference is the first in a projected series of three meetings designed to address these questions. Since Aristotle said that "to experience [an emotion] at the right time, toward the right objects, toward the right people, for the right reason, and in the right manner: that is … a mark of virtue", and the capacity successfully to regulate emotion is also associated with security of attachment, the regulation of emotion is a natural point at which to initiate the wider investigation. | Center for Advanced Studies LMU: International Conference "Attachment, Virtue and the Regulation of Emotion" | 25.-26.02.2016
Feb 26, 2016
54 min

What is the relationship between attachment and the virtues and vices of character? What are the implications of the answer for characterfocused public policy? This conference is the first in a projected series of three meetings designed to address these questions. Since Aristotle said that "to experience [an emotion] at the right time, toward the right objects, toward the right people, for the right reason, and in the right manner: that is … a mark of virtue", and the capacity successfully to regulate emotion is also associated with security of attachment, the regulation of emotion is a natural point at which to initiate the wider investigation. | Center for Advanced Studies LMU: International Conference "Attachment, Virtue and the Regulation of Emotion" | 25.-26.02.2016
Feb 26, 2016
50 min

What is the relationship between attachment and the virtues and vices of character? What are the implications of the answer for characterfocused public policy? This conference is the first in a projected series of three meetings designed to address these questions. Since Aristotle said that "to experience [an emotion] at the right time, toward the right objects, toward the right people, for the right reason, and in the right manner: that is … a mark of virtue", and the capacity successfully to regulate emotion is also associated with security of attachment, the regulation of emotion is a natural point at which to initiate the wider investigation. | Center for Advanced Studies LMU: International Conference "Attachment, Virtue and the Regulation of Emotion" | 25.-26.02.2016
Feb 26, 2016
1 hr 7 min

What is the relationship between attachment and the virtues and vices of character? What are the implications of the answer for characterfocused public policy? This conference is the first in a projected series of three meetings designed to address these questions. Since Aristotle said that "to experience [an emotion] at the right time, toward the right objects, toward the right people, for the right reason, and in the right manner: that is … a mark of virtue", and the capacity successfully to regulate emotion is also associated with security of attachment, the regulation of emotion is a natural point at which to initiate the wider investigation. | Center for Advanced Studies LMU: International Conference "Attachment, Virtue and the Regulation of Emotion" | 25.-26.02.2016
Feb 25, 2016
1 hr 14 min

What is the relationship between attachment and the virtues and vices of character? What are the implications of the answer for characterfocused public policy? This conference is the first in a projected series of three meetings designed to address these questions. Since Aristotle said that "to experience [an emotion] at the right time, toward the right objects, toward the right people, for the right reason, and in the right manner: that is … a mark of virtue", and the capacity successfully to regulate emotion is also associated with security of attachment, the regulation of emotion is a natural point at which to initiate the wider investigation. | Center for Advanced Studies LMU: International Conference "Attachment, Virtue and the Regulation of Emotion" | 25.-26.02.2016
Feb 25, 2016
52 min
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