CC's Explore The Music Podcast

CC's Explore The Music

Charlie Clevenger
We're going to explore different genres of music and what it means to different people the lyrics the music the way the music makes you feel
CC with special guest Randy Callahan
CC and Randy talk about the community center supertalk radio ghost hunting and the community in general
Mar 22, 2020
18 min
Just checking in
Just checking in with everybody and let nobody know what's coming up and quarter bounce is Future
Mar 22, 2020
2 min
Everyone stay safe
This podcast is just an update on quarter bounce and the just opinions of CC caring about his community and the people he cares about in the surrounding states and the world against this Coronavirus
Mar 16, 2020
6 min
Test Run
Just a test run I realize I didn't break down the song like I was supposed to but we will get better as the podcast goes on if you have a phone you would like me to put on my podcast let me know I would like to feature some of the local artists around to support local music
Mar 11, 2020
4 min