Catholic Commons Podcast
Catholic Commons
Lauren Montgomery
Prayer: Where to Begin? - episode of Catholic Commons podcast

Prayer: Where to Begin?

18 minutes Posted Apr 21, 2020 at 1:19 pm.
) is a good reminder of this. It shows us that all of us have a deep thirst within us, and that our thirst can only be satisfied when we draw from the Living Well, Jesus Christ.
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All of us have a common longing within us: we all desire to be seen, known, appreciated, and loved for who we are.
This desire fuels so much of what we do in life and the choices that we make, but it's important to realize that this desire is within all of us precisely because we were created for union with God! 
The story of the woman at the well (John 4:7) is a good reminder of this. It shows us that all of us have a deep thirst within us, and that our thirst can only be satisfied when we draw from the Living Well, Jesus Christ. 
So often we turn to the well of the world, seeking to fulfill ourselves with worldly goods, but the problem is that our needs go well beyond this universe.
Again, we were created for union with God, so unless we draw from Him in prayer, we're never going to be satisfied or experience life the way we should. It's in prayer that the Lord draws near to us!
In this episode, host Lauren Montgomery will offer some tips for beginning in prayer. These tips come from her personal experience, but are also rooted in teachings of the Church. For more Church teachings on prayer, see the section on prayer in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, beginning with paragraph 2558!
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