Catholic Commons Podcast
Catholic Commons
Lauren Montgomery
Why the Catholic Church? - episode of Catholic Commons podcast

Why the Catholic Church?

26 minutes Posted Mar 31, 2020 at 12:45 pm.
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In our modern world, it is common to hear people say that they are “spiritual” but not “religious,” but Scripture and Tradition reveal to us that the Catholic Church was established by Jesus Christ Himself, so that we might all be a family of God and a communion of believers united in Him.

We were not created to be in a relationship with God as isolated individuals, and Jesus did not come to abolish religion!

Many people view religion as a bad thing, but, depending on the collection of beliefs, basic worldview, history, symbols and morality of the faith, religion can in fact speak to the heart of man, who is a religious being.

Humanity expresses their quest for God through their prayers, sacrifices, rituals, meditations, and so on. The desire for God is written on the human heart, and it is through one’s religion that man pursues God.

The Christian belief centers primarily on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. From the time of the early Church, Christianity has centered around these three things:

  • Common worship of God in the celebration of the Eucharist
  • Common following of the teachings of Christ
  • Common following of the teachers under the succession of the apostle

These three things are important to the Christian life of faith because they establish unity among believers, can be transmitted from place to place (to promote the spread of the Gospel), and can be passed on faithfully from generation to generation through the guidance of the Holy Spirit (so that the teachings might be preserved in truth).

Though the idea of religion is rejected today, it’s important to recognize how Christianity would not have survived for thousands of years without a collective set of worship, practice, and succession! These three things are fundamental to the faith, because it’s through the Catholic Church that we have full access to Christ today.

The Church is also characterized by four main things that set it apart from all other Christian Denominations. These are the “marks” of the Church: The Church is ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC. 

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