Cashflow Ninja
Cashflow Ninja
M.C Laubscher
317: Minesh Bhindi: Property Profits, How To Buy & Profit From Prime Real Estate
48 minutes Posted Jun 15, 2018 at 12:30 am.
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Joining me today is my friend Minesh Bhindi, the CEO of Gold and Silver For Life & Property Profits For Life.

Minesh has invested in Real Estate since the age of 16 and has used his experience and knowledge to consistently achieve massive success across all asset classes.

His investment appraoch can be summoned up in the Wealth Triangle Investment Philosophy where he teaches that how you create wealth is by buying a booming asset below market value, then creatively create cash flow from this asset and then buy more of it.

He has taught these strategies to his clients all over the world and his company has a 92% student success rate.