Cash Flow with James Martinez
Cash Flow with James Martinez
One of the World Greatest Inventors-Dr. Andrea Rossi
1 seconds Posted Dec 29, 2011 at 11:31 am.
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As many of you know. I've know and been speaking about Cold Fusion since my birth on radio. I've supported the field since it's inception in 1989. The field has been infused with controversy and confusion for many many years. That now has ended with the invention of the ECAT device designed and discovered by Dr. Andrea Rossi. This is a special time for the human race and we should all come together to support the Cold Fusion community and demand that this technology be brought forth to end the world's energy problems once and for all. This will be the end of pollution in the future and potentially the end of conflict between nations over energy resources. This is the graduation present to the human race. It is my hope for you the listener and consumer that this will serve as a special gift to the world as we enter one of the most talked about years in history-2012. Please feel free to pass this interview along and circulate it knowing the good news will change the world forever. Happy New Year to all...