Care in Crisis: психічна допомога в кризі Podcast

Care in Crisis: психічна допомога в кризі

Emily Christensen, PhD, and Nadiia Aleksina
Two Sunflowers: the state flower for Kansas (in the middle of America), where Emily lives, and the national flower for Ukraine, where Nadiia lives in Kyiv. Two psychotherapists trained in treating trauma join hearts across the world in caring for self and other in the midst of crisis. (English and Ukrainian)
Nadiia in Kyiv
Nadiia Aleksina, psychologist from Kyiv, introduces herself. She shares her experience of the war and the attack on Kyiv. We talk about psychological first aid, trauma, and dissociation. She does reference bombs and explosions because of the context of our discussion, but does not discuss explicit or graphic details.
Mar 20, 2022
54 min
Psychological First Aid
Emily introduces our podcast as one focused on trauma and healing, not politics. She gives credentials and experience for why we are doing what we are doing. She introduces herself (in Kansas City) and shares that Nadia (in Kyiv) will be joining the podcast when it is safe and quiet enough for her to record. Emily introduces psychological first aid in concept and application. This episode is in English, but Nadiia will share the transcript in Ukrainian as well.
Feb 27, 2022
50 min