On episode 019 of the Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast, guest and award-winning Realtor Justin Loncaric explains the difference between marketing and connecting.Justin’s a Keller Williams Platinum Award winner and his team is consistently the #2 team in KW Signature Oakville. Real estate in in Justin’s blood. His parents have been in the industry for more than four decades and he himself has been at it for the past 16 years. Justin and his team crushed it in 2020 with a 725% increase in gross commission income, with most of that business happening DURING the lockdowns. He and his teams are on a path to doing a million this year. Justin’s main focus is up sizing families using his Home Run Method. He’s number 7 on Property Spark’s list of the Top 15 Burlington Real Estate Agents on Social Media. He operates ListingLoans.ca and is one of the hosts on The Underground podcast. Justin says he found success as a Realtor when he stopped marketing and started connecting and that’s exactly what we talk about in this episode of the Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast.* * * REALTOR JUSTIN LONCARIC'S CONTACT INFO:➢ WEBSITE: https://www.jlrealtygroup.ca➢ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/justinloncaricrealtor➢ LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinloncaric➢ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justinloncaric➢ YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDsflRyd7SL5cT5Juznj0bw* * * 📧 Join our email list to be notified of new episodes: https://bit.ly/CREMpodcastSignUp* * *ABOUT THE CANADIAN REAL ESTATE MARKETING PODCASTThe Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast is a monthly podcast that tackles the best techniques and strategies for Canadian real estate professionals that want to grow their business and get clients using social media, specifically digital video.* * *SOCIAL MEDIA• https://www.facebook.com/burntboatmedia• https://www.instagram.com/burntboatmedia• https://www.youtube.com/burntboatmedia
Jun 1, 2021
25 min

A special mid-month episode because I just had to discuss the CBC story about the BC Realtor that's suing his seller for commission. This episode of the Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast veers dangerously close to rant territory but there IS a marketing lesson buried in there someplace.
The short version of the story is that a BC Realtor and his brokerage are suing their seller because the buyer didn't close on the sale. The seller was shocked to discover that BC's standard listing contract he'd signed states that "a real estate agent only needs a legally enforceable contract of sale to pursue commission."
You can read the full story on CBC's website...
📰 - Seller beware: Real estate agencies can collect their fee even if a buyer defaults on a sale, B.C. man learns
🔗 - http://bit.ly/BCRealtorSuesSeller
May 7, 2021
7 min
![Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast #017 // How new Realtors can get clients [2021]](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL21lZGlhLnJlZGNpcmNsZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzLzIwMjEvNS8yLzIxL2E5Y2ZkNDk0LWU4YTAtNGFiZS1hYWMwLWZhM2QzYTI5Y2UyNF9zcXVhcmVfZXBpc29kZV8wMTdfdGh1bWIuanBnIiwiZmFsbGJhY2siOiJodHRwczovL2lzNC1zc2wubXpzdGF0aWMuY29tL2ltYWdlL3RodW1iL1BvZGNhc3RzMTE0L3Y0L2VhLzE4L2Q4L2VhMThkODQ4LTZkZDktMjQ1MC0zOTIzLTFmOTFhNzBkZjBiYi9temFfNDIzMTQyNjIxMDgwMDEzNDM3MC5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.09W_2JQzN9JyUIB-YTlWmKw7ZOVF8UTYGmwueYZ9fJc.jpg?width=200&height=200)
If you've just started in real estate, you've probably asked how new Realtors can get clients. 2021 has created white hot demand for Canadian real estate and this means many established agents have been too busy to focus on their marketing. This abdication is leaving a void in the market and is a HUGE opportunity for new Realtors to get clients while taking market share away from these entrenched leaders.
In episode 17 of the Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast, we explain why this is a rare chance to catch these established agents while their focus is elsewhere. We also tell you the "Best" strategy for making videos that will attract viewers in your specific town, city, or community.
May 3, 2021
18 min

This episode's guest on the Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast is Duncan Paterson. Duncan has been a favourite Edmonton radio personality for three decades and is also a contesting expert and a semi-professional prize pig.
During this podcast, Duncan explains why hosting a contest can be beneficial for Realtors and also walks us through the dos and don'ts of organizing your giveaway.
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The Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast is a monthly podcast that tackles the best techniques and strategies for Canadian real estate professionals that want to grow their business using social media, specifically digital video.
Apr 1, 2021
12 min

In episode 15 of the Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast, photographer Val Labrecque tells us how Realtors can use their listing photos to their maximum potential. Easy, actionable advice that will help you sell more homes and get more listings while branding yourself as your region's go-to Realtor.
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ABOUT THE CANADIAN REAL ESTATE MARKETING PODCAST The Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast is a monthly podcast that tackles the best techniques and strategies for Canadian real estate professionals that want to grow their business using social media, specifically digital video.
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Find us on social media and our website:
• https://www.facebook.com/burntboatmedia
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• https://bit.ly/BurntBoatMediaYouTube
• https://burntboat.media/category/canadian-real-estate-marketing-podcast/
Mar 1, 2021
13 min

If signing up for social media is free and paid ads are cheap, why would you ever set a real marketing strategy? In episode 014 of the podcast, we talk (rant?) about why Realtors need to formulate a marketing plan and a marketing budget. If you plan on being in the real estate industry for the next 5+ years, this episode will serve as a reality check and details why you must, must, MUST accept that marketing is an investment and NOT an expense.
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📧 Join our email list to be notified of new episodes: https://bit.ly/CREMpodcastSignUp
* * *
The Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast is a monthly podcast that tackles the best techniques and strategies for Canadian real estate agents that want to grow their business using digital media, specifically digital video.
* * *
Find us on social media and our website:
• https://www.facebook.com/burntboatmedia
• https://www.instagram.com/burntboatmedia
• https://bit.ly/BurntBoatMediaYouTube
• https://burntboat.media/category/canadian-real-estate-marketing-podcast/
Feb 1, 2021
15 min

Realtors are going to see big changes in the way they market themselves and their listings in the not-too-distant future. In episode 13 of the Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast, we start 2021 with a look forward and explain which video format will be the go-to model for real estate agents that want to blow up their brand starting this year.
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📧 Join our email list to be notified of new episodes: https://bit.ly/CREMpodcastSignUp
* * *
The Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast is a monthly podcast that tackles the best techniques and strategies for Canadian real estate agents that want to grow their business using digital media, specifically digital video.
* * *
Find us on social media and our website:
• https://www.facebook.com/burntboatmedia
• https://www.instagram.com/burntboatmedia
• https://bit.ly/BurntBoatMediaYouTube
• https://burntboat.media/category/canadian-real-estate-marketing-podcast/
Jan 4, 2021
12 min

Uncovering your own Unique Selling Proposition can be a daunting task that requires reflection and – sometimes – brutal honesty. In episode 12 of the podcast, we'll show you how doing this work up front will make all the marketing and advertising campaigns that follow easier and more effective. We'll give you some examples of famous USPs and suggestions on how to craft your own Unique Selling Proposition, regardless of your experience or expertise.
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📧 Join our email list to be notified of new episodes: https://bit.ly/CREMpodcastSignUp
* * *
The Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast is a weekly podcast that tackles the best techniques and strategies for Canadian real estate agents that want to grow their business using digital media, specifically digital video.
* * *
Find us on social media and our website:
• https://www.facebook.com/burntboatmedia
• https://www.instagram.com/burntboatmedia
• https://bit.ly/BurntBoatMediaYouTube
• https://burntboat.media/category/canadian-real-estate-marketing-podcast/
Aug 17, 2020
11 min

Marketing without a plan is like investing in lottery tickets. It might work out for you from time to time but you'd have greater, more consistent results if you took the time to first think about what you're doing. In episode 11 of the podcast, we explain why it's super-duper important to have a specific goal for your real estate marketing campaigns.
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📧 Join our email list to be notified of new episodes: https://bit.ly/CREMpodcastSignUp
* * *
The Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast is a weekly podcast that tackles the best techniques and strategies for Canadian real estate agents that want to grow their business using digital media, specifically digital video.
* * *
Find us on social media and our website:
• https://www.facebook.com/burntboatmedia
• https://www.instagram.com/burntboatmedia
• https://bit.ly/BurntBoatMediaYouTube
• https://burntboat.media/category/canadian-real-estate-marketing-podcast/
Aug 10, 2020
4 min

Is it possible for an introvert to succeed as a Realtor? In this episode, we're going to share strategies to help low key agents market themselves, their listings, and their business while avoiding the spotlight. If you're firmly in the introvert camp, episode 010 will help you keep you under the radar while growing a brand that will be the envy of the extroverted agents in your office.
Realtor Aliese Mackenzie's Instagram: https://bit.ly/AlieseMackenzieInstagram
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* * *
The Canadian Real Estate Marketing Podcast is a weekly podcast that tackles the best techniques and strategies for Canadian real estate agents that want to grow their business using digital media, specifically digital video.
* * *
Find us on social media and our website:
• https://www.facebook.com/burntboatmedia
• https://www.instagram.com/burntboatmedia
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• https://burntboat.media/category/canadian-real-estate-marketing-podcast/
Aug 4, 2020
9 min
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