In episode 4 of our Insights Podcast series, Adam sits down with Rebecca Jansson, Director of Events at Cameron, to discuss why hybrid is the future of events and what we've all learned from a year of virtual events.
Jul 13, 2021
28 min

With the 2021 Glasgow Film Festival kicking off on Feb 24, we caught up with CEO Allison Gardner to discuss their new streaming platform, Glasgow Film At Home, and how things are shaping up for this year’s online event.
Feb 18, 2021
30 min

With event profs everywhere still picking up the shattered pieces of 2020, and hope now on the horizon for 2021, we talk to industry leaders to get a little insight into, and inspiration for, the future of the industry.
Episode 2 kicks off with the most excellent Richard Wilson, Co-chair of the Scottish Live Events Network
Dec 7, 2020
51 min

It’s with warm hearts and keen minds that we welcome you to the inaugural Cameron Insight podcast.
In this series will be chatting to industry leaders about all things event-based……and believe us, there’s a lot to talk about. With event profs everywhere still picking up the shattered pieces of 2020, we hope to provide some inspiration, insight, knowledge and hope for the future of our beloved industry.
Episode 1 kicks off with the most excellent Judith Wilson, Director of EventIt and EventsBase magazine, providing us with her perspective of the current situation and where she sees the future of events as we tumble headlong into the second half of 2020.
Find out more about virtual and hybrid events at www.wearecameron.com
Sep 7, 2020
1 hr