Calvary Chapel Mountain View - Sunday Podcast

Calvary Chapel Mountain View - Sunday

Pastor Bill Bjorkman
We long to see people connect with Jesus. We want them to know His glory and experience His preeminence in their lives. We want every man and woman to personally become enraptured by His grace, His forgiveness, and His love.
Mark 13:28-37
What in the World Do We Do Now? 1. Watch The Fig Tree, vv28-31 2. Know the Times and Seasons, v32 3. Be Ready, v33 4. Be Faithful, vv34-37
Nov 26, 2023
0 sec
Mark 13:9-27
"Daniel's 70th Week, The Tribulation" 1.   Daniel's Seventy-Weeks Prophecy, Daniel 9:24-27 2. The First Half of the Tribulation, vv9-13 3. The Abomination of Desolation, v14 4. The Great Tribulation, vv14b-23 5. The Second Coming of Jesus, vv24-27
Nov 19, 2023
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Mark 13:1-8
Unpacking Ominous Promises and Prophecies 1. Coming Desolation of the Temple, vv1-2 2. Curious Questions on the Mountain, vv3-4 3. The Beginning of the Birth Pains, vv5-8
Nov 12, 2023
0 sec
Romans 5:1-11
Reasons to Rejoice 1. Justification comes by faith, vv1-2 2. Looking past the trial to the cross, vv3-5 3. Jesus displays His love for His enemies, vv6-8 4. Reconciled by the life of the Lamb, vv9-11
Nov 5, 2023
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Mark 12:41-44
1. God Uses His People to Support His Work, v41 2. God Has Us Give Because it’s Good For Us, v41 3. Our Giving Knits Our Hearts to God’s Heart, vv42-43 4. Heaven Accounts for the Sacrifice of Our Gift, v44 5. Fruit Accrues to Our Account
Oct 29, 2023
0 sec
Mark 12:35-37
Turning the Tables on the Religious Leaders 1. A Crucial Question for These Men, vv35-37 2. A Word of Caution Against These Men, vv38-40 3. Avoiding the Error of These Men
Keep the Focus on the Treasure… Not on the Clay Pot
Oct 22, 2023
0 sec
Exodus 3
Moses’ Call & The Doubts We Face 1. The Burning Bush, vv1-3 2. I have seen and heard says the Lord, vv4-10 3. God Calls Moses, vv11-12 4. The Name Above All Names, vv13-15 5. God’s Word Will Stand, vv16-18 6. For He is Good, vv19-22
Oct 15, 2023
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Mark 12:28-34
The Essence of the Law and of Life Itself 1. An Expert of Experts, v28a 2. The Question of Questions, v28b 3. The Essential Answer, v29-31 4. A Bonus and Connected Answer, v31 5. An Enlightened and Encouraging Response, vv32-34
Oct 8, 2023
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Mark 12:18-27
Danger of Dismissing the Scriptures 1. A Sad Group of Sadducees, v 18a 2. A Ridiculous Scenario of Silliness, vv19-23 3. Wrong Two Ways, v24-27
- They Missed the Power of God, v25
- They Dismissed The Word of God, vv26-27 4. Don’t Be a Sad Sadducee
- Know Your Bible, Know the Power
Oct 1, 2023
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Mark 12:13-17
Giving to the Government 1. A Well-Laid Trap, vv13-14a 2. A Heavily-Loaded Question, vv14b-15a 3. An Unexpected and Instructive Answer, v15b 4. Image is Everything, 16-17a 5. God’s Wisdom is Marvelous, v17b
Sep 24, 2023
0 sec
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