Show notes

In which I figure out how to deal with a very annoying sliver in my finger, talk about the spinning study I’m doing for the next few weeks as well as my mental health, grumble about designer yarns for Level 5, keep working away at all my big projects, and work my way back to working on the Accolade. Thanks for listening!
1:676TUTZ5KSKXHT4SGVTPKEPS6ZBUB4VR">Theme music: leaves by airtone at / CC BY-NC 3.0
Fibre Week
- Master Spinner Program.
- Fibre Week at Olds College.
- Spin Off Magazine
- Digital Blasphemy, home of Ryan Bliss
- “Island in the Void” was the picture I based my ‘inspired by’ skein on.
Fibre Notes
By The Wayside
- The Accolade kit from Bucilla – so old it’s out of print.
- Based on the painting The Accolade by E.B. Leighton.