Show notes

In which I talk about how life sometimes tells you where you need to go, talk about some upcoming teaching and the yarn I’ve completed spinning recently, go over “cellulose fibres” for Level 5, finish two projects and try to figure out what to do next, review two books that have a fibre arts connection, and move the frame on the Accolade. Thanks for listening!
1:676TUTZ5KSKXHT4SGVTPKEPS6ZBUB4VR">Theme music: leaves by airtone at / CC BY-NC 3.0
Fibre Week
Fibre Notes
- Grinsheep Fibre Productions, where my wedding shawl fibre came from.
- In the Night Garden by Lidia Zigninova – the pattern for my wedding shawl
- Circumvolute by Hunter Hammersen – I knit Hat B.
- Black Cat Custom Yarn’s shop on Etsy.
- This is what Nemesis should look like – mine has more white.
- Alberta Shawl by Anne-Lise Maigaard.
- Smooth Sailing by Tanis Lavallee – pattern I am upsizing for a queen-sized blanket.
- Intermingle by Rich Ensor – trying this out for cabled socks from some of my Danish sock yarn!
Side Notes
- E.K. Johnston’s official website
- Page for A Thousand Nights and Spindle (with buying options).
- The Story of Owen page (with buying options).
By The Wayside
- The Accolade kit from Bucilla – so old it’s out of print.
- Based on the painting The Accolade by E.B. Leighton.