Show notes

In which I talk about my pseudo-resolutions for the new year, play with my new blending board and get ready to refurbish an old wheel, go over the first module of Level 5, start casting off my wedding shawl and make more progress on the Circumvolute hat, have a chat with Deborah Niemann from the Livestock Conservancy about sheep, and work on the Accolade. Thanks for listening!
1:676TUTZ5KSKXHT4SGVTPKEPS6ZBUB4VR">Theme music: leaves by airtone at / CC BY-NC 3.0
Fibre Week
- Master Spinner Program.
- Fibre Week at Olds College.
- Ashford blending board.
- Ashford Traditional timeline.
Fibre Notes
- Grinsheep Fibre Productions, where my wedding shawl fibre came from.
- In the Night Garden by Lidia Zigninova – the pattern for my wedding shawl
- Circumvolute by Hunter Hammersen – I am knitting Hat B.
- Black Cat Custom Yarn’s shop on Etsy.
- This is what Nemesis should look like – mine has more white.
- What the Plus (+) Art Show.
Fibreside Chat – Deborah Niemann of The Livestock Conservancy
- Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em from the Livestock Conservancy (USA)
- Courses online from the Livestock Conservancy.
- Heritage Livestock Canada – at risk list.
- Sheep watchlist from the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (United Kingdom)
By The Wayside
- The Accolade kit from Bucilla – so old it’s out of print.
- Based on the painting The Accolade by E.B. Leighton.