Bull and Calf Podcast

Bull and Calf

Jamie & Braeden Bell
We don't know the first thing about cattle, or farming for that matter, but we've intentionally worked at creating a loving father-son relationship. Join us as we talk about life and culture, and discuss how we do and see life.  
Faith and Parenting - Bull and Calf Ep. 2
This week, after three minutes and 47 seconds of gibberish, we get to our first segment, 2 cents, where for twenty one  minutes and five seconds we give our unsolicited opinions about things people aren't asking us about. Then we dive into a deep conversation until finally after 47 mins and 22 seconds we hear from Herd! 
May 2, 2023
54 min
How to have healthy conversations as father and son - Bull and Calf Ep. 1
This week, after five minutes of rambling, we get to our first segment, where we "mine out" some cultural issues for twenty minutes. Then we dive into a deep thirty-minute conversation on "Communication." Get ready to enjoy this udderly satisfying Podcast. 
Apr 25, 2023
1 hr 1 min