Brothers Outside Time and Space Podcast

Brothers Outside Time and Space

Jeye and Carlson Jenkins
Brothers Carlson and Jeye, aboard the space vessel R.O.S.E travel outside space and time and make a podcast about it, trying to stave off the existential loneliness. Also they were kidnapped by a group of sentient animatronics, but they're into it don't worry.
Jeye interviews an old man, who reveals a podcast of his own! Two old men play, and holy gram also plays, rock paper scissors the role play game.
Oct 18, 2020
22 min
Too Neo Too Sippy
Jeye finds an alternative to rescuing Carlson, and a return sponsorship from the Neo Sippy comes with some added consequences this time!
Jul 7, 2020
15 min
The Birth of Cube Lord
Carlson hasn't done any of his chores around the ship and Jeye is tired of doing them all! Where is Carlson anyway?
Jun 7, 2020
16 min
Emperor of The Universe
It seems the BOTS crew has their prayers answered as not only a human being, but another ship arrives to give them some company!
May 7, 2020
23 min
The One With The Squeebles
Squeebles are a well documented phenomena. A creature that, seemingly out of nowhere, is found aboard a space fairing ship. Find two of them however... and you will soon have many many more.
Apr 7, 2020
28 min
Don't Tell Carlson!
Jeye has a plan to get more role-play focused content into the podcast! But make sure NOT to tell Carlson!
Mar 7, 2020
33 min
Don't Tell Carlson!
Jeye has a plan to get more role-play focused content into the podcast! But make sure NOT to tell Carlson!
Mar 7, 2020
33 min
Brothers Outside Time and Space
Long-running podcast from outside time and space is forced to choose a new name due to legal concerns. Jeye gets a shiny new jawbone, Carlson does nothing of note, and ROSE shares her favorite television program. Turns out being abducted by robots is, well, kinda cool.
Feb 7, 2020
29 min