Rob welcomes Karen Backus, owner of the Coral Sash Boutique in South Lyon and soon to be Brighton, Michigan locations. They talk about her store history, expansion, community events and the unique ways she interacts with her customer base through various events. Be sure to visit her website to learn more about her store, phone app and upcoming live events. Join us on our journey!The Coral Sash Boutique.Where Fashion and Friends become One!Show LinksLearn more about the Brighton Chamber by visiting our website.Website: https://www.brightoncoc.org/Guest LinksWebsite: https://coralsash.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecoralsash/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coralsash/?hl=enCoral Sash Boutique - South Lyon131 North Lafayette Street, South Lyon, MI10:00AM–6:00PM+1 248-573-7800Coral Sash Boutique - Brighton203 W Main, Brighton, MI 4811610:00 AM - 06:00 PM Except SundayOpening September 2023 - Coming soon!
Jul 28, 2023
12 min

Immerse yourself and nurture your inner essence as Rob talks with Samantha Smigelski, the visionary behind Spirit Rising Yoga & Meditation Studio. Sam passionately discusses the diverse forms of yoga, an array of teaching styles, and an extensive assortment of classes they offer. Tune in to explore the enriching sanctuary she has cultivated, where one can indulge in soul-revitalizing experiences such as Yoga sessions, Teacher Training, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Ayurvedic Counseling, a captivating book club, and a vibrant, tight-knit community. A warm and inviting haven always awaits you on your yoga mat.Show LinksLearn more about the Brighton Chamber by visiting our website.Website: https://www.brightoncoc.org/Guest LinksWebsite: https://www.myspiritrising.net/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MySpiritRisingYOGA/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spirit_rising_yoga/Email: [email protected] or call 810.220.8571Address8571 W Grand RiverBrighton, MI 48116, US
Jul 21, 2023
18 min

John Chwalibog, CEO and founder of Virtual Technology Simplified (VTS) is this week's guest. VTS is bringing industry leading technology through easy to use capture apps to the world's critical infrastructure industries (telecom, utilities, energy). Highly accurate data capture, digital twins, and 3D laser scanning for structural analysis and as-built documentation. Listen in and learn more about what they do.Show LinksLearn more about the Brighton Chamber by visiting our website.Website: https://www.brightoncoc.org/Guest LinksWebsite: https://www.vtscans.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vtscans/Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@vts-virtualtechnologysimpl3097
Jul 14, 2023
20 min

Single Barrel Social Owner Christopher Klebba and Sommelier Hassan Rutherford want to change the way you enjoy food. According to Rutherford, something important has been lost in the push towards faster, cheaper dining. Enjoying a meal with someone you love is one of life’s greatest treasures, and these two have partnered to create the best place for just such an experience. This week, Chris and Hassan join Rob to talk about the story - and the philosophy - behind this local business.Show LinksLearn more about the Brighton Chamber by visiting our website.Website: https://www.brightoncoc.org/Guest LinksWebsite: http://www.singlebarrelsocial.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/singlebarrelsocial/
Jul 7, 2023
24 min

Key Development Center's Executive Director, Patty Meyer joins Rob this week. Key Development Center (KDC) is a full-service outpatient mental health and substance abuse treatment agency that has been serving the community since 2001. Their Mission is to open doors to recovery, health and well-being and are committed to excellence in all that they do.Show LinksLearn more about the Brighton Chamber by visiting our website.Website: https://www.brightoncoc.org/Guest LinksKey Development Center2060 Grand River Anx, Ste 600, Brighton, MIPh: 810.220.8192Email: [email protected]: https://www.keycenters.org/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Key.Development.Center/
Jun 30, 2023
14 min

Small business owners struggle with the daily demands of running their business. On this episode Rob is joined by Business Advisor Yvonne Lewinski from Thryv. They have created a simple software to help clients get the job, manage the job and get credit, so they can take control of their business and be more successful. Let Yvonne's expertise help you grow your small business!Show LinksLearn more about the Brighton Chamber by visiting our website.Website: https://www.brightoncoc.org/ Guest LinksYvonne LewinskiBusiness AdvisorWebsite: https://www.thryv.com/near-me/yvonne-lewinskiPh: 248.304.7146Mobile: 313.605.6076Website: https://www.thryv.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThryvYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ThryvLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/thryvinc/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/getthryv/
Jun 23, 2023
20 min

Rob is joined by Senja Tomovic, MD, an Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose & Throat) doctor with Trinity Health Michigan, with offices in both Livingston and Washtenaw Counties. With allergy season upon us, Rob and Dr. Tomovic discuss seasonal allergies and how to combat them, as well as other things that can stem from allergies (ear infections in children, ear tubes, etc.). They also spend time talking about sleep apnea and new procedures they have had great success with. Listen in to learn more! Show LinksLearn more about the Brighton Chamber by visiting our website.Website: https://www.brightoncoc.org/ Guest LinksFB-TrinityHealthLivingstonIG - https://www.instagram.com/trinityhealthmi/LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/trinityhealth/
Jun 16, 2023
16 min

The Brighton Farmers' Market has been around 40+ years, this week Brighton Farmers' Market Manager, Monee Phipps joins the podcast. Monee shares her passion for the market with Rob, listen in to learn more about the market, what it has to offer and some inside information. If you're local to the area you won't want to miss this episode. Show LinksLearn more about the Brighton Chamber by visiting our website.Website: https://www.brightoncoc.org/Guest LinksMonee Phipps: -Brighton Farmers' Market ManagerBrighton Chamber Social Media ManagerFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrightonFarmers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brightonmifarmersmarket/
May 26, 2023
17 min

Sit back, listen and prepare yourself for a fun time, I promise this won't be like pulling teeth. Rob is joined this week by local hometown dentist, Dr. Dorri from the Lavender Dental Group in New Hudson, Michigan. The two have a fun time talking about his practice and sharing some great stories. If you're looking for a professional dentist with a sense of humor, this is your guy.Dr. Dorri and Lavender Dental Group are making our community healthier through dental education, diagnostics, and treatment. Their goal is to provide 100% satisfaction! Learn more about them in the links belowShow LinksLearn more about the Brighton Chamber by visiting our website.Website: https://www.brightoncoc.org/ Guest Links Website: https://www.lavenderdentalnewhudson.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LavenderDentalNewHudson
May 19, 2023
19 min

On board for this week, Rob speaks with Darrell Jackson, Founder/CEO of JAC Advertising Consultants, LLC to learn more about his business. A hands-on digital advertising Agency that collaborates, creates, and implements successful digital marketing plans to Grow Your Business. There are some interesting strategies discussed that you won't want to miss, give it a listen!Show LinksLearn more about the Brighton Chamber by visiting our website.Website: https://www.brightoncoc.org/ Guest LinksWebsite: https://jacadvertisingconsultants.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jacadvertisingLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jac-advertising-consultants/
May 12, 2023
16 min
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