Book of Basketball 2.0
Book of Basketball 2.0
The Ringer
Shaquille O’Neal and the Pyramid (With J.A. Adande) | Book of Basketball 2.0
1 hour 27 minutes Posted Nov 11, 2019 at 9:01 pm.
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Chapter 3: Was Shaquille O’Neal the one Pantheon player who could have been top five if he really wanted it? Would vintage Shaq have been better or worse in 2019? Were Shaq and Kobe always destined to turn on each other? Was 'Kazaam' better than 'Steel'? And where does Shaq rank on Bill’s 100-player Hall of Fame Pyramid? These questions and more are broken down in our second Pyramid Podcast, with Northwestern University’s director of sports journalism, J.A. Adande.

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