Board of Amusement Podcast

Board of Amusement

Gunner Crabb and Michael Sanders
Every week, Gunner and Michael talk games from the tabletop to the TV.
The Twentieth Phenomenon
For the big two-oh, we talk productivity, pen and paper versus screens, and list apps, as well as the game that kept Michael up all night, more D&D 3.5 (mis)adventures, and Gunner’s new campaign! Warning: There is some uncensored language in this one. Show notes: New Surface pen Pocket Reddit mega lists Emotional movies Favorite […]
Mar 15, 2016
The Nineteenth Conclave
This is the longest episode yet, so buckle up!  Mostly, Gunner talks about his experience branching out to D&D 3.5, but there’s also Hearthstone updates (and the only thing bad enough to get Gunner playing again), all the new games Michael bought in the Steam Chinese New Year sale, and general discussion of schedules and […]
Feb 23, 2016
The Eighteenth Caucus
Gunner and Michael make a lot of excuses as to why they haven’t played many games this week, but nonetheless, bravely record a podcast whose meat is but “a thin strip of bacon.”  A Capella competitions, ways to trick our brains into working, and games that occur IRL! (Note: Michael would like to apologize for […]
Feb 18, 2016
The Seventeenth Engagement
Michael and Gunner name-drop all their podcasts, then go on to talk about lifestyle changes (and what that means for Hearthstone), why they’re over Fallout 4, IRL games, D&D, and more! Show Notes: The mega podcast list: Hello Internet Qwerpline Cortex Freakonomics Radio Daft Souls A Prarie Home Companion: The News from Lake Wobegone The […]
Feb 9, 2016
Bonus: The Sixteenth Festival
This episode has some serious audio quality issues… but if you can get past that, we have some really great conversations about Fallout 4, Project M, TF2, and D&D!  Listen, if you dare! Twitter: @michaelmsanders @gunnercrabb @boardamusement   Outro music is Dancehall Ragga by McVaffe on
Jan 31, 2016
The Fifteenth Throng
We’ve been gone for a while… but we’re back full-force! Here’s an episode recorded right before Christmas about how Michael is back into Hearthstone, how Gunner finally started Fallout 4, and how the last couple D&D sessions went! Show notes: Vagante Antichamber The Long Dark Jennifer Hale New control priest Adventure Scents   Twitter: @michaelmsanders […]
Jan 19, 2016
The Fourteenth Party
It’s a party!  Overwatch corrections and followup, a tiny bit of talk about Hearthstone and the League of Explorers (also why we aren’t a Hearthstone podcast), Fallout 4, and D&D (Into the Abyss) to wrap it up!   Show Notes: Overwatch lore More Overwatch videos! League of Explorers Hearthstone wiki Much better Hearthstone podcasts:      The […]
Dec 17, 2015
The Thirteenth Concourse
Gunner goes for more hair on the face and less on the head and Michael learns about the Desert Bus for Hope, before talking games for phones (Sorcery 2), PCs (Fallout 4, Overwatch), and tabletops (D&D)! Show Notes: No-Shave November Desert Bus for Hope Sorcery 2: Google Play Sorcery 2: iOS Fallout 4 Overwatch cinematic […]
Dec 7, 2015
The Twelth Rally
Michael and Gunner missed Halloween… but that won’t stop them from talking about their favorite scary game!  Also mentioned is a ridiculous jar of peanut butter, Hearthstone burnout, Overwatch, the luckiest grab-bag, and more! Show Notes: Gunner’s peanut butter Youtube Red Google Play Music Disguised Toast explains his Hearthstone burnout Overwatch TF2 Halloween update Meh  […]
Nov 17, 2015
The Eleventh Aggregate
Reunion episode! Gunner and Michael played a really, REALLY bad session of D&D, and talk about how it could have been improved. Also discussed: Soylent, Hearthstone, and Project M. Show Notes: Soylent Grim Patron nerf JAB casino mage Find an SSB tournament near you Roll20 tabletop simulator   Twitter: @michaelmsanders @gunnercrabb @boardamusement Outro music is […]
Nov 3, 2015