BMJ Leader Podcast Podcast

BMJ Leader Podcast

BMJ Group
BMJ Leader ( is an international, peer-reviewed, online-only journal in the field of healthcare leadership. The journal is a place of discussion and debate for the many disciplines that make up leadership in the health services. The BMJ Leader Podcast invites leading players in the field to discuss the most relevant papers of each issue of the journal. Subscribe to the podcast in any of the major platforms to get updated with the latest! Also, please consider leaving us a review or a comment on the BMJ Leader Podcast iTunes podcast page - *The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.
NHS...ystem? And should you become a system leader?
In this episode, we’re talking to Lord Victor Adebowale about “System Leadership in health and care” - how is it distinct from organisational leadership? The cross-bench member of the House of Lords and former chief exec of Turning Point comments on the paper 'Systems leadership – a fad, or food for the survival of our NHS?' (Louise Hardy, Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Plymouth) - He tells the Editor of BMJ Leader, James Mountford, how we need to create systems leaders and how systems leadership could contribute to important widespread changes in healthcare. Please subscribe to the BMJ Leader podcast to get episodes automatically downloaded to your mobile device and computer. Also, please consider leaving us a review or a comment on the BMJ Leader Podcast iTunes podcast page -
Apr 15, 2020
15 min
Is followership a “thing”?
“…leadership can only occur if there is followership – without followers and following behaviours there would be no leadership.” In this podcast, Associate Editor of BMJ Leader Tim Swanwick talks to Hester Mannion, a psychiatry trainee at South London and the Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust , and Iain Tennant, a GP trainee in Kidbrooke, South London. They comment on the paper “Followership: much more than simply following the leader” ( The Learning Zone series explores key concepts in a short, simple and practical way. Please join the discussion about this paper at the Twitter chat @BMJLeader on Thursday 13th February, 7-8 pm (UK time), #BMJLeaderchat
Feb 4, 2020
12 min
Why inclusion and diversity are key to great teams
Top-down approaches to leadership are the least effective way of managing healthcare organisations whereas inclusive and compassionate leadership helps create a psychologically safe workplace and reduced patient mortality. Roger Kline is a research fellow at Middlesex University, a Trustee and past director of “Patients First UK” and the author of the recently published commentary “Leadership in the NHS” - He tells the Editor of BMJ Leader James Mountford how inclusion and an evidence-based approach to leadership could ultimately improve healthcare and the health of staff at work. Please read the open access paper and join the discussion at the Twitter chat @BMJLeader with @rogerkline, on Thursday 8-9pm, 5th Dec, #BMJLeaderchat
Dec 5, 2019
16 min
Do you want to be a leader, a manager or both?
In this first podcast, Associate Editor of BMJ Leader Dr Tim Swanwick talks to Peter Homa CBE, Chair of the NHS Leadership Academy, about the differences between leadership and management roles. The conversation is based on the paper “Leadership and management - what's the difference”, available in the next few days for free for a limited time on the journal website ( The paper is the first of the Learning Zone series, a section of BMJ Leader that explores key concepts in a short, simple and practical way. 
Each paper will be accompanied by a podcast and a Twitter chat.
Aug 27, 2019
7 min