Bloomberg Surveillance
Bloomberg Surveillance
Surveillance: China's Economy in Jeopardy, Hotez Says
35 minutes Posted Feb 14, 2020 at 7:48 am.
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Steve Wieting, Citi Private Bank Global Chief Investment Strategist, says this is an unlikely time for U.S. outperformance to wane. Dr. Peter Hotez, Baylor College of Medicine Dean, calls for international cooperation in combating the coronavirus. Henrietta Treyz, Veda Partners Director of Economic Policy, discusses the tension between the U.S. and China over the coronavirus and trade. Torsten Slok, Deutsche Bank Chief Economist, says the labor market, including wages and job growth, is slowing down greatly. Jason Bordoff, Columbia Professor and former U.S. National Security Council and Director of Energy & Climate Change, says in his opinion, it’s an encouraging shift to see republicans recognizing climate change as a serious reality.

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