In the past week we have seen 2 black men murdered at the hands of police. This is the 116th murder by a police officer this year. And over 370 blacks have been killed by police officers since 2015. So the question is do black lives really matter?
Jul 12, 2016
1 hr 32 min

Cities all over the US are undergoing gentrification. Athough it can revitalize a neigborood, it can also push out the existing residents through increased property taxes. This creates tension in cities as one group feels entitled to be there while another feels the neighborhood changing without their consent. Join us Monday, June 27th as we discuss gentificaion in your city.
Jun 28, 2016
1 hr 35 min

Coloism is prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group. Tonight we'll discuss how it has affected the black community and other ethnic communities of color. Why does this matter? Why does colorism exist and what can we do about it? Join us on Black Women Talk Monday June 20th at 8pm
Jun 21, 2016
1 hr 33 min

In today's world everyone seems concerned with diversity. But why now? Why do people care? Is it for funding ? Why does it seem so difficult to include others. Is diversity just about havng a more colorful group or is it about incorporating the differing views of others? Join us Monday June 13th @ 8pm EST as we explore What diversity is and is not in today's society.
Jun 14, 2016
1 hr 36 min

This has been a crazy election year. In 2008, when Sarah Palin was chosen as the running mate for John McCain, I honestly didn't think it could get any crazier. Well welcome to 2016! The election year where a 74 year old socialist from Vermont is giving former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton a serious run for her money. But nothing compares to ;We're gonna build a wall' and 'bomb the hell out of ISIS' contender Donald Trump. The billionaire New Yorker has managed to come out the front runner against 16 other candidates. Amazing! So now that we see who are candidates are, who should we as a community vote for? Who should get the black vote?
Jun 7, 2016
1 hr 21 min