Tune in as we talk to Black Men Ink member Cory Palmer about his book and how he is using his work to help and motivate people for 52weeks also we take a moment for his late father this is in memory of him may he rest in peace RIP
Jan 25, 2021
44 min

Join us as we talk to my pen sister & sister in Christ about her book and her Ministry Rediscover Me Woman Initiative where she helps women we also will be having Tea Time talking about how we have also Rediscovered ourself as woman
Jan 18, 2021
56 min

Join us as we talk a trip back to Memory Lane as we interview the first person that we ever interviewed the One season 1 and when we started black girls in pink lady of suspense as she talked about her second books to her Melody green series you won't want to miss it and you know we going to have some tea time
Jan 13, 2021
57 min

Come celebrate with SistaGoose & Sugarmama on coming into season 2 & how far we have come over our time of doing the show how we have leveled up & say our thank you to our team & to all of you for rocking with us all this time here on. BLACK GIRLS INK. LLC
Jan 6, 2021
49 min

Tune is as qe talk to Author Lou as he tells us his journey of becoming an author and how he uses his REAL LIFE store to make his book and also inspires young people to chose a different path in life by reading his store by reading his books as he shares his TRUTH u wont want to miss this & you know we gana have some TEA TIME
Dec 30, 2020
41 min

Come join us for our last eps for the year be for Season 2 with Author Monet Dragun on her new book "Sins of a Thug" as we get to know her as an author & person on a deeper level and she shows us her many hat of what she dose other than write book and you know we cant let her leave with out having. TEE TIME
Dec 15, 2020
40 min

Come join us as we talked to the poet King Pen about his book his journey as a poet and get to know him on a deeper level he even have a special treat for you where he share a few of his poem you won't want to miss it
Oct 29, 2020
51 min

Come and join us as we talked to the Arthur Chantal Jennings about her book how she is helping people see that the justice system is not fair towards black people how she's also making all the generations understand each other that we all have our own struggles and not just that black people are treated wrong but everyone is treated wrong in their own race and we need to come together to make a chain it's just the justice system it's not fair to black people at all
Oct 27, 2020
45 min

Come join us as we talked to the sister about their book of poetry and as we share our own story and testimonies with each other you will not want to want to miss it as this women share thier journey with us of how they started written thier book
Oct 18, 2020
58 min
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