Sometimes we just don't want to be grateful. We want to sulk and nurse our wounds. Eeyore gets it. But genuine gratitude is not fake. It flows from hearts that realize that gratitude in the creation rather than in the Creator will always leave us empty.
Listen in to this replay of an episode from Denise Pass and Micah Maddox as they share ten tips for gratitude in life's mundane moments.
Nov 18, 2020
20 min

Can we really choose gratitude in the hard places? How? We can be in a hard place and not become hardened. Listen in to this episode as Denise and Angela finish this series on gratitude and learn how to be set free from the prison of ingratitude.
Nov 13, 2020
10 min

The month of gratitude is here! Are we truly grateful for what God has provided? God’s provision is an undeserved gift, not a right. And sometimes we take for granted His incredible blessings. Choosing gratitude is not something that happens naturally, but we are cultivating gratitude all month long here on the podcast. Listen to this refreshing episode and learn how we can be grateful for God’s provision.
Nov 4, 2020
16 min

What we believe must agree with what we do, lest we be a hypocrite. Vote your faith, friends. Vote for righteous legislation more than a personality. When we do so, we uphold biblical standards and help to restore our nation to its original foundation. Listen in as Denise Pass continues her interview with David Barton, Founder of the Wallbuilders, LLC as they discuss how we can all change the world right where we are at.
Oct 28, 2020
29 min

These are turbulent times in our nation, friends. There is much confusion and perhaps you wonder if you can make a difference at all. For such a time as this, here is a clarion message from an interview I had with David Barton. Vote your faith, friends. Look at the actions (as in legislation) more than the words. We do not have a perfect leader, but there is a righteous choice before us.
Oct 21, 2020
25 min

Today's generation is growing up with devices running their lives while parents are losing their influence to inanimate objects. What's a parent to do? Listen in as Denise Pass and Arlene Pellicane, co-author with Gary Chapman of "Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World" discuss creative biblical solutions to parenting Generation Z. The good news is that new habits can be formed to set us free from the impact of living in a society driven by social media.
Sep 30, 2020
28 min

Social media can be addictive. Sometimes social media can take up too big of a place in our life. But taming social media is not just about managing social media. Join us on the Black and White Podcast as Denise and Dan wrap up this month’s dialogue regarding Social Media and discuss practical solutions to successfully overcome the idols and battles that social media can bring.
Sep 23, 2020
11 min

Social media and the internet got you off balance? We can find balance again when we tame social media by being proactive rather than reactive in our use. On today’s Black and White Podcast, healthy ways to use Social Media continues. Don’t miss out on Denise and Dan’s discussion on creating balance as you post positive content for your sphere of influence.
Sep 16, 2020
9 min

Managing social media is more than just a bunch of rules and do's and don'ts, but there are principles that help us to be proactive rather than reactive in our handling of social media. Listen in as Denise and her son Daniel Dovel continue their discussion of a healthy approach toward social media.
Sep 9, 2020
17 min

The impact social media is having on our culture is significant. What fruit is social media bearing in your life? All generations need to examine habits with social media, but can learn to use social media well. Listen in as Denise and her son Daniel Dovel Discuss the ups and downs of social media use and discuss 7 undesirable fruits of social media use.
Sep 2, 2020
18 min
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