Binary System Podcast
Binary System Podcast
Pixelated Geek
Binary System Podcast #396 – Lore Olympus episode 262 and 263, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, and The Oscar Nominations
30 minutes Posted Feb 1, 2024 at 6:55 am.
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Episodes 262 and 263 feature a Persephone who’s dealing with the uncomfortable reality that the Mortal Realm is dying and it may possibly be all her fault. But for the Binary System Podcast team, that calamity pales in comparison to the fact that Apollo is being a gigantic jerk and it’s stressing us out. The artwork is gorgeous as usual, and there are several ‘lol’ moments (Persephone talkin’ dirty to Hades, you go girl!) But still, Apollo, man.

Elizabeth also watched the final installment of Guardians of the Galaxy, which she really liked! However, it took her a while to get through it, so that led to a discussion of Marvel Fatigue, the latest on the Hugo Awards debacle, and all the Oscar nominated movies we should be watching, but c’mon Hollywood. Meet us halfway: give us some convenient showtimes, a nearby theater that’s not too far to drive, and maybe throw in an intermission in the middle of these three-hour-plus films, if it’s not too much trouble? Kthxbye.

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This week’s outro is a clip from Encounter of Every Possible Kind by Midnight Commando.

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It turns out it wasn’t Oppenheimer that had some unauthorized intermissions added into the three-hour runtime before the movie producers slapped the theaters down. It was Killers of the Flower Moon, which is even longer.

The John Scalzi comments we were discussing were about Dave McCarty, who has handled the fallout from last year’s Hugo Awards, well, pretty damn badly. He has since apologized. And resigned his position as a director of W.I.P. (the non-profit that runs the Hugo Awards). Still no word on what’s going on with perfectly good works of fiction getting ruled ineligible for no reason, but it’s a start.

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