Biblical Citizen Let’s Roll with Kathleen and Brian Melonakos Podcast

Biblical Citizen Let’s Roll with Kathleen and Brian Melonakos

Biblical Citizen Let’s Roll with Kathleen and Brian Melonakos
Kathleen (author, retired R.N.) and Brian Melonakos (former Company President)  became saved in the early 2000s. They are active in both evangelism and political activism. Their program seeks to educate and activate Christians at the grassroots level, helping them to live out their responsibility to influence government and civic affairs for good. It has never been more evident than in the year 2020 that spiritual wars are manifesting in the governmental arena and throughout our culture. History has clearly shown that Christ is required to overcome the natural tendency of powerful forces to destroy God-given rights, including the right to hear and speak His truth.
Episode 97: One's Purpose--The Problem of Sex Trafficking
Joni Wilkerson and Rhonda Riddle are survivors and now help others who have been seduced or kidnapped into sex trafficking. They tell their personal stories of how Jesus rescued them from torture and inside information on how these criminal networks work. See for privacy information.
May 31, 2022
26 min
Episode 96: Dealing with Polygamy in 2022 with Doris Hanson
Do you know there are at least 30,000 people in Utah and surrounding states practicing Mormon Fundamentalism (polygamy), right now? Doris Hanson was raised in a polygamous group and escaped. Years later, she became a Christian and created Shield and Refuge ministry to reach out to those still trapped in the bondage of polygamy--a brutal way of life, not at all as portrayed in "Big Love" or "Sister Wives." See for privacy information.
May 24, 2022
28 min
Episode 95: There will be a new Sheriff in Town and we like Jonathan Peck
During this crazy pandemic, we have learned how important it is to have a constitutional Sheriff who is responsive to the people. Jonathan Peck is a law enforcement officer in San Diego Co.,-- his first obligation will be to the U.S. and CA Constitutions, not to political officials when they issue unconstitutional "mandates" This choice will be critical for fighting crime and upholding our freedoms, including gun rights. See for privacy information.
May 17, 2022
26 min
Episode 94: Is it Safe to Fly Anymore? The Inside Story from Pilot Josh Yoder
Have you heard about American Airlines Captain Bob Snow, who had a cardiac arrest last month, seven minutes after landing his aircraft? It is much bigger than this. Josh Yoder is also a commercial pilot and is the Head of U.S. Freedom Flyers, a national organization that is helping pilots and flight staff deal with vaccine injuries. Passengers can also be at risk. Get information the media is covering up! See for privacy information.
May 10, 2022
25 min
Episode 93: The Pro-Life Fight Amps Up, with Attorney Dean Broyles
The battle to protect innocent pre-borns has never been more intense. While many states move in a pro-life direction, CA is moving legislation forward, AB 2223, that would legalize the taking of life post-birth, up to 28 days or more after birth. Dean Broyles is a religious liberty attorney and head of the National Center for Law and Policy, and breaks it all down, including what we can do to help stop it. See for privacy information.
May 3, 2022
24 min
Episode 92: A Dynamic Young Attorney, Ryan Heath, Fights for Children in the Courts
The onslaught of dangerous laws being pushed here in CA also presents a real threat to other states, since CA is so influential. This is why Ryan Heath, Arizona attorney, and  founder and President of The Gavel Project, spends a lot of time here. Ryan educates parents and children on their rights and  holds lawless officials accountable through lawsuits. See for privacy information.
Apr 26, 2022
26 min
Episode 91: Wisdom Principles for Christian Political Activists with Frank Kacer
Do we honor the Lord if we withdraw from the world of politics? Does the Bible make a distinction between moral and political issues? Frank Kacer, former Defense Dept. intelligence employee, has been a lay pastor and Biblical worldview influencer for over 25 years. He has a new book, 65 Wisdom Principles for Christian Political Activists. See for privacy information.
Apr 19, 2022
24 min
Episode 90: Building economic freedom alternatives with Mike Columb
In opposition to the Great Reset, being implemented by political and corporate globalists, we the people are joining the Great Resist. Mike Columb, business owner and activist from northern CA, tells us about private membership associations, and how they can legally  free our businesses, schools, and health providers from unlawful medical mandates and provide freedom loving citizens with an alternative economy that honors our values. See for privacy information.
Apr 12, 2022
25 min
Episode 89: Reopen San Diego and replacing Nathan Fletcher with Amy Reichert
No one in San Diego has been more effective in the fight for medical freedom and against unconstitutional and damaging mandates than Amy Reicherrt, leader of Reopen San Diego. Amy is now a candidate for San Diego County Board of Supervisors, to replace Nathan Fletcher. We discuss the progress made so far in reopening our county and the never ending state of emergency.  Amy makes her strong case against Nathan Fletcher, including the need for real solutions to homelessness and the danger of Fletcher's World Economic Forum inspired mileage tax. See for privacy information.
Apr 5, 2022
26 min
Episode 88: The Great Reset turned into the Great Resist, (continued)
We further discuss the agenda that the World Economic Forum and its multibillionaires want to impose on the global population and how we can resist it. We give you practical suggestions for stopping vaccine passports, digital ID, and digital money. These are sold as ways to make life more convenient, but the published goals of the WEF reveal that they are methods of control. See for privacy information.
Mar 29, 2022
25 min
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