We live in a culture of perfection and there is a pressure to present ourselves as always in control. Muskoka Woods alumnus, Marianne Deeks, speaks with John about how should approach this reality and when we need to take off the "good face" and share our burdens.
Mar 17, 2021
42 min

Duncan McGregor Jr. was a Muskoka Woods guest and staff member but today he is the president of a successful business. On this episode, he discusses how Muskoka Woods gave him the three key ingredients to grow into a successful career.
Mar 3, 2021
43 min

You're in school but you realize the program you're in is the wrong one. Meredith White, Muskoka Woods alumni, was in that exact situation. She switched and is now an accomplished artist with work in the Art Gallery of Canada. John finds out how she did it and some tips for making the same transition.
Feb 17, 2021
55 min

He's travelled the world over but points to his time at Muskoka Woods as one of the most impactful experiences. Jorden has carved out a successful career as a content creator. His travel channel on YouTube boasts over 60,000 subscribers and allows him to travel full-time. John explores what it's like to have ditched "the real world" (Jorden's words) and what impact Muskoka Woods had on his career.
Feb 3, 2021
46 min

Taking the kids out of school and sailing in the Caribbean, buying a farm and buying farm animals where you least expect and keeping bees. Trying new things is almost habitual for Dallas and Doug James, two Muskoka Woods Alumni. On this episode, John finds out what they have learned by charging into new adventures and ideas.
Jan 20, 2021
1 hr 6 min

Rob Conroy is a high school gym teacher. Several years ago the board asked if he would teach a class of students who had a high likelihood of dropping out and never graduating. After a few weeks, attendance levels began to increase. The local board of education invested and Muskoka Woods came alongside him to help give his students hope and ultimately show them success.
Dec 16, 2020
52 min

Bob Fukumoto has been a big part of Muskoka Woods for many years. He and his family have influenced the camp and they have been influenced by it as well. Today he discusses how his journey has taught him not to fear criticism.
Dec 2, 2020
57 min

The number 15 is ubiquitous with Muskoka Woods. It's the hockey number of guest come staff member, Jamie Groves. Jamie tragically passed away at a young age but his short time at camp has had a lasting impact. Sandra and John discuss what it is about even spending a short time at Muskoka Woods can have a lasting impact in your life and the lives of others.
May 29, 2020
41 min

Mike and Tina Barlow came to Muskoka Woods in 1990 and have grown into roles supporting full-time staff, seasonal staff and alumni. Living in community has unique benefits and challenges so the question is, how do you maximize the benefits and minimize the hard parts? John, Mike and Tina talk about candidly about caring for the staff at Muskoka Woods.
May 29, 2020
40 min

"I never would have thought I would end up in this job at Muskoka Woods." Jackie Carmichael came to Muskoka Woods kicking and screaming but on the road she found a place that allowed her to be who she was and valued her for who she was. On this episode Jackie and John speak about how she was called out as being a leader and how it helped shape who she grew into be today. Since we recorded this episode, Jackie has moved to a new position with another organization where she's playing a vital role in youth development. We are so proud of her and couldn't be more excited for her.
May 29, 2020
41 min
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